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(Picture above is Mieko)


♥︎ Mieko Amane ♥︎

— "BUT WHAT IF PEOPLE DON'T LIKE ME?! What if people find me weird and awkward?!" I screamed through the phone at my best friend; Hinami. Today was my first day of attending my classes at Collège Françoise Dupont, one of the best high-schools in Paris. I had my best friend on speaker right now, she was trying to calm me as I ran around my room in search of the perfect outfit. If she could see me right now she'd think I was such a mess... probably because I am.

I had a horrific case of bed head that would make any hairstylist want to quit, I hadn't brushed my teeth since I'd went to bed so I had that going for myself, and not to mention I was wearing one of my father's ratty, old T-shirts that he used to work on cars in. So to sum it all up; I looked like like a hobo.

"Don't worry, Mie-Mie! It's all gonna be just fine, you made plenty of good friends at your old school here in Tokyo. If You did it once you can do it again." Nami comforted, slightly easing my frenzied self that was probably at level-10 panic back down to a solid level-6.

"You're right, I can do thi- gyah!" I started but was cut off as I tripped and fell over my stupid sweater...

"You tripped again, didn't you Mieko?" Nami teased in a fake disappointed voice. She-all of my friends really, were used to my clumsiness, I don't really know where I got it from but I somehow always managed to make a fool out of myself.

"Maybe..." I grinned, laughing slightly.

"I swear, I don't know how you haven't ended up in the hospital yet." Nami sighed, finding joy in embarrassing me even though she couldn't see me.

"Strong bones, I guess." I sighed and bounced back up, ready to continue my hunt for the perfect outfit.

"Well, the bell just rang here, so I better get back to class, hope everything goes well for you Mieko!"

"Alright, me too. Talk to you later Nam-Nam!" I teased her with the ridiculous nickname, ending the call-but not before I heard her groan.

She hates the nickname as much as I love it.

"Alright, time to find that other shoe!"

— I ENDED UP CHOOSING A PRETTY SIMPLE yet adorable outfit. I wore a plain white T-shirt, a pale sweater with little red cherry designs on it, and a cute pink-plaid skirt that reached about mid-thigh as well as white tennis-shoes.

(A/N: Yes! I know it's from a dress-up game but I thought it was cute)

Йой! Нажаль, це зображення не відповідає нашим правилам. Щоб продовжити публікацію, будь ласка, видаліть його або завантажте інше.

(A/N: Yes! I know it's from a dress-up game but I thought it was cute)

I left my hair down but wore a little white headband to keep it out of my face while doing work. I thought my outfit overall was cute, but I couldn't be sure if everyone else would think the same...

I stared at myself in the mirror, wondering what I looked like in other's eyes. To me; I had long platinum blonde hair that reached just above my waist, big doe, crystal blue eyes that people often confused with grey, and pale porcelain skin that I've tried my best to keep soft. I don't know why I was so self conscious, I knew there was nothing really wrong with my appearance.

I need to stop worrying myself with other's bogus opinions.

I huffed, snatching the little white purse from my coat-rack and walked out of my bedroom, travelling throughout the rest of the house and down to my mom's little fashion shop; Amane Boutique.

Me and my mom were crazy about fashion, her a little more than me...

She wanted to be a famous fashion designer, and I a supermodel. I wanted to travel all around the world, experience new fashion in all of the different countries, I also wanted to show the world just how beautiful Japan is through its fashion.

But sadly, I knew it would never happen. I was just a girl— I looked up at the clock —a girl that was going to be very much late for school!!!

"Bye mom! See you later!" I said, running out of the entrance door, the bell ringing behind me.

"But you haven't even eaten breakfast! You're going to starve, get back here right now young lady!" she shouted at me before I could get too far down the sidewalk. I huffed and ran back to her, we both walked inside and she went behind the cashier and pulled out what would've been her lunch but instead gave it to me.

"Here. Now go and have a good day at school, honeybun!" she chirped after handing me the paper bag. I swear she can be so bipolar sometimes...

"Thanks mom, see you later!" I shouted and once again ran out the door, the familiar golden Bell ringing behind me.

— I HAD BEEN WALKING THROUGHOUT the streets of Paris for about five minutes now, I'd completely given up on running a long time ago. My laziness had kicked in by now, causing me to no longer care if I was late on my first day or not.

I passed many beautiful buildings in my peaceful stroll and had finished eating the pocky that my mom had placed in the bag. I was about to open up the fruit sandwich when I passed by a homeless man sitting on the cold ground in old, raggedy clothes.

I walked closer to him and crouched down to his height, he looked up at me as I pulled out the untouched sandwich and held it out to him.

"Here, I think you need this a bit more than me right now. Please take it." I spoke kindly, pushing the paper-wrapped sandwich into his hands.

"Oh I couldn't, this is your lunch!" the man cried, small tears beginning to pool in his forest green eyes. I merely wiped them away as they began to fall, continuing to encourage the man to take it.

"Thank you, sweet-girl. I'll never forget your kindness!" he thanked me again and again, I smiled and stood to my feet.

"I hope things get better for you, sir." I said and walked away, when I turned I caught the eyes of an old man who was buying some apples off one of the stands. He looked at me with his lazy eyes, a kind and knowing smile played across his face as he turned back to buying his apples.

Oh, if only I'd known...

Word count: 1,116

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