Drunken Jujubes

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"Drunken jujubes during one's night study session. Enjoying the fragrance of ink with a hint of wine, they do complement each other." (Episode 2)

(AN: There was a website with the original recipe I wanted to use. It came from the "The Modern Art of Chinese Cooking" cookbook, and the dish was called "Shansi Drunken Jujubes." However, the recipe website requires you to have an account and get a monthly or annual plan to see the recipe. Since I couldn't access that recipe, I found another which is around the same. If you want to see the original recipe I was going to use; I'll leave the link to the website below.)

Original website: https://www.bonappetit.com/recipe/mochi-stuffed-jujubes-soft-hearts


     - 12 dried jujubes

     - 6 tbsp. of mochiko (sweet rice flour)

     - 1/2 cup of raw sugar or light brown sugar

     - 1/2 tsp. of dried osmanthus flower, plus more for serving


1) Working one at a time, make a lengthwise cut on 12 dried jujubes all the way to the center; carefully remove pits without breaking them, leaving as much flesh intact as possible. Place pits in a medium saucepan; set aside. Set jujubes aside separately.

2) Combine 6 Tbsp. mochiko (sweet rice flour) and 3 Tbsp. room-temperature water in a medium bowl and mix and press with your hands until a dough forms. Form dough into small balls that are slightly smaller than your jujubes (about 1 tsp. or ½" in diameter), then gently roll balls into fat cylinders. Place a cylinder in the center of each reserved jujube, gently pressing the sides to ensure good contact between dough and jujube. (Extra dough can be made into little mochi balls and cooked in syrup.)

3) Place ½ cup raw sugar or light brown sugar, ½ tsp. dried osmanthus flower, and 2 cups water in a reserved saucepan with pits (using the pits here will add more jujube flavor to the syrup). Bring to a boil, reduce heat, and let simmer until sugar is dissolved about 2 minutes. Add stuffed jujubes and reduce heat. Simmer gently, adjusting heat as needed, until jujubes float to the surface and mochi is slightly puffed, 10–13 minutes. Remove from heat; fish out and discard pits.

4) Immediately arrange stuffed jujubes on a plate or in a shallow bowl. Drizzle syrup over and top with more dried osmanthus flower. (For a cold and chewier treat, combine jujubes and syrup in an airtight container, cover, and chill for at least 20 minutes and up to 2 days.)

Serving(s): 2-4 servings

AN: Website for original recipe: https://app.ckbk.com/recipe/them46115c18s001r005/shansi-drunken-jujubes 

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