Careful What You Ask For!!!!!

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I really should have been careful what i prayed for.

But, in all honesty, I guess I was not really expecting an answer.

But oh boy did I get one!

You remember that rain storm that happened two nights ago?


Well, one did. It was a torrential rainfall that pounded Florida and Alabama for the entre night. There were strong winds, thundering rain pouring down, and thunder booming through the cloudy sky until well into the morning of the next day.

Now, in the Deep South, and along the coast, heavy rains always result in a concern over landslides. The water flowing down makes the earth looser, causing great trees to pull from the hold the earth usually has on their roots. The result is trees tumbling over, down cliff walls, into rivers swollen by rain, or creating a huge landslide as they tumble down from where they had been. Huge boulders can come thundering down, along with torn-up trees, creating an avalanche of mud, rock and detritus that destroys almost anything in its path.

As it happened, due to that big rainstorm, I guess some of the earth on the inside of the crater along West slope had become overly saturated with water and, as a result of this, was quite loose. Even as i offered up a prayer, I heard a rumbling sound and, looking for the source, nearly shouted as I watched the West wall seem to come alive! At first, it was just a few rocks and some dirt. But soon it was a massive, rushing, rumbling mass of dirt and rocks, mud and detritus that included branches and even some decent-sized trees. My sharpened hearing picked up two cries of pain and shock and, focusing on the mudslide, I saw two guards pulled into the roiling mass and get sucked under.

I am pretty sure that was the end of them.

Well, needless to say, chaos hit the valley. The slaves cried out, dropped their tools, and ran for cover as the overseers rode for shelter as well. Though the slide was a good distance from the fields, no one wanted to be caught by it!

I watched in awe, amazed at the power of such an event, as the muddy mass rolled and slid down the slope, gathering rocks and trees as it went, building in momentum and power to an almost unstoppable level of power and potency.

The mass slammed into the buildings that made up the space where the cocaine was processed and refined. There was a huge spray of white that I am guessing was cocaine, the sound of breaking glass and cracking wood as the mass of earth, rock, and tree broke the structures apart like kindling. I only hoped no one was inside when it happened, for there was no way anyone could have survived that!

The destruction of that part of the plantation put everyone in a state of chaos. Slaves were shouting and cowering in fear, overseers were riding around, cracking whips and venting their own shouts as they told the gathered prisoners to "shut up!" and "be quiet!" while they rode around them menacingly.

That scene, watching men be so cruel to other human beings, was making it difficult to keep my silence and stay where I was. All I wanted to do, was jump down there and start knocking those jerks off their horses and give them a taste of what they were dishing out!

*That would serve no purpose.*

I know, but it would sure feel good. And they deserved it!

*Yes, but there is a larger picture here, and we must keep our ultimate goal as the focus*

Yeah, I know. But it still sucks seeing people treated this way, and not being able to do anything about it!

*I share your sentiment, but keep in mind; if we stop Manson's Children, we end this as well.*

Yeah, thanks, Becky.

I settled down behind a boulder and waited, watching to see what happened next.

No surprise, the chaos caught the attention of those inside the plantation house. First, the guards came rushing out, weapons up and ready in case they were under attack. They were followed by Cillian and several other men, also armed, and also looking around them to see what was causing the commotion.

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