Part 2)

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Tw- cursing
Tommy's pov)

I rush down the stairs to see them eating. Why did I need to hurry up it they're eating? What is this logic?!?

|After they ate because yes|

They finally finished eating breakfast and we started to head to school. They are ahead of me leading the way because they ran infront of me.

They were talking about how unfair their day is today and the lessons they have are horrible ones while I have 6 lessons today, why are they complaining? They don't have to stay after school like I do!!

We were about 20 minutes away from getting to school but then I heard a scream behind me.

"AHHHHH TOMMY'S RANBOOS TRYING TO KILL MEEEE!!" I look behind to see purpled getting chased by ranboo. Ranboo he looked so pissed. Holy shit what did purpled do?

Purpled went behind me and hugged my back trying to get further away from boo.

I looked  at Techno and wil and saw that they were still walking not caring that I wasn't behind them anymore. Did they now care that I left? Did they not like me anymore-

"Tommy!!!" tubbo yells

"Ah sorry tubbo zoned out there!" I say back with a smile.

They all get back to fighting, I still have no idea why they're fighting tho-

(time skip to when they got to the school building!!)

We ran to school because we realised we were about 10 minutes late for our first class.

"Okay bye Tommy and ranboo!" purple and tubbo both said at the same time then left to go to their lesson.

"We better get going to English then?" I nod to him and start to wlak to English with him.

Great. Technos going to ask me after class "wHy WeRe YoU lAtE tOmMy?" ugh, why did I have to have him first.

Not that I hate him-
I love him! He's my brother! But 8 just really Really protective and think somethings happened to me. Little does he know :)

We made it to the English corridor and went to Technos room, I went on right behind ranboo hugging him.

"Class-" Techno says but then turns his head to the door.

"Ooh. Hello ranboo and Tommy." he says harshly?

"H-hello!" I say stuttering (STUTTERINNIT!!)

"ranboo go sit down, Tommy come with me. Class ill be back in a bit." Technos says sternly and then grabs my arm and drags me out the room.

He stares at me for a second then says "Why were you late Tommy?" he says softly.

"No reason. Just got a bit distracted I guess." I whisper

He sighs then says "Okay, go in the class." I look at him then walk into class and sit Next to ranboo. Today is going to be a fucking long ass day.

I'll do another part later, found this amazing book I really want to read right now lol, love yall <3

3 Teachers and 1 Child |Mcyt highschool au| Tommy centric!! Where stories live. Discover now