Chapter 11- Oscar

Start from the beginning

"What's wrong?" He asked.
"He is a demon! He heard me call him one!" I cried.
"I'm not. I was just born with my eyes like this and I wear the sunglasses because they are sensitive to light" The boy said, he didn't sound angry or upset he just sounded calm, it was strange.
"How did you hear us?" Asked Kenji ignoring me?
"When you don't have anybody to listen to, you start to listen to others".
"Oh, well you're a good listener. I am very sorry about her!" Kenji apologised.
"Willow say sorry!" He whispered angrily.
"Sorry for calling you a demon..." I mumbled while wiping my tears.
"It's ok, I have been called worse and I can also tell you are very young, what age are you?"
"I'm four!"
"I'm twelve" said Kenji.
"oh, well I am ten" said the boy.
"That's not fair! Why is everyone older then me!" I huffed while crossing my arms.
"You didn't really expect him to be three did you?" Asked Kenji
"well..- ?" .

"Anyway, what's your name?" Kenji asked the boy.
"Oscar" he replied.
"I'm Kenji! And that's Willow" Said Kenji politely.
"Can we be friends now?" I asked

We then all sat in a circle together and talked about how we found out about the apocalypse. "I found out when I was in school" said Oscar.
"Same!" I agreed excitedly
"Me too!".

"If you are sensitive to sun and it was very sun that day how are you not dead?" I asked curiously, but was then hit by Kenji.
"Willow! You can't ask people how they are not dead! Say sorry!".
"It's ok, and I had my dad to help".
"is he dead?" I asked.
"Willow, for the love of god get some manners and stop mentioning death!".
"Stop being bossy!" I snapped.
"I am not, you are just being rude and I am allowed boss you around I am older!".
"No you're not!".
"Yes I am ask Forest or Ruth!".
"Fine I will!" I said getting up but was yanked back down by my pigtail.

"Don't actually ask them!" Kenji whispered.
"Let's ask Oscar if you should be allowed boss me around just because you're older!" I said.
"No Willow don't put him in an awkward position!".
"It's ok!" Said Oscar calmly.
"So what do you think, should Kenji be allowed boss me around?" I asked.
"Well he is older so I guess he is more mature and you are quite young so maybe...".
"See even Oscar agrees with me!".
"You are not mature at all!"
"That's not what Oscar thinks!" Kenji said proudly.

God, he was so annoying. And what Oscar said was completely wrong. Kenji is not mature, at all.

"Anyway, to answer your question Willow, yes my dad is still alive thankfully!" Oscar said making Kenji and I stop fighting. "But who is Ruth and Forest? Are they your two parents?" Asked Oscar.
Kenji and I burst out laughing.
"No Ruth and Forest are our friends and so are me and Kenji none of us are related!" I laughed.
"I don't know if I would consider us friends, but sure Willow" said Kenji I just glared at him. "How old are Ruth and Forest?" Asked Oscar
"Much older then me!" I replied.
"They are fifteen" answered Kenji.
"Oh how did you meet?".
"I met Forest when my other friends left me to die!".

"Wait what?" Asked Kenji. "You never told me this!".
"You never asked" I said.
"Well tell us now!".

I proceeded to tell Kenji and Oscar the whole story, adding in every detail, and maybe exaggerating some bits... I even told them how I met Ruth when we were getting held at gun point.

"Whoa!" Said Oscar in amazement.
I smiled loving the attention.
But that quickly came to an end quickly when Oscar took off his big black glasses for a split second.
I gasped and quickly shut my eyes.
I felt bad for being frightened by his eyes but I couldn't help it.

When he finally finished fixing his glasses and put them back on he asked calmly as usual "Why are you so scared of my eyes?".
"Well-" I started but was interrupted by Kenji.
"Willow is just being a baby as per usual, your eyes are so cool, you look like a super hero, they are very cool don't listen to whatever Willow or anyone else says!" Reassured Kenji, he was clearly embarrassed of the way I was acting and felt bad for Oscar and so did I but I just wasn't used to seeing someones eyes like that.
I would usually be really angry at Kenji for calling me a baby and telling Oscar not to listen to me but he was slightly saving me from looking like a rude person.

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