CH 11: Saved

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“I wonder what’s made you this shameless. Or did that guy fuck you too out of your senses? Still not sober, love?” Yun scoffed. Two more minutes, Kana reminded himself, trying to calm down.

“I’m not being shameless, just learnt how to be truthful… to myself,” Kana bitterly laughed, disgusted, Has this bastard been taking his medicines? It's like he's not himself... as if he's having one of those episodes.

“I wonder what would your dad do if he learnt what a slut you’ve become,” Yun groped his waist, biting his ears, “But you know that we can settle this, right?”

“My dad? I wonder what he would do to you when he finds out why you wanted a relationship with me, how you actually treat me behind closed doors, and how you cheated on me for three years,” Kana’s heart pounded at a speed he never knew, “What do you think? Who would he believe? A whore like you or his son?” 

10, 9, 8, 7, Kana’s head was still on with the count down.

“Even if he believes you. You know that even he doesn’t approve of such clothes. You’d be grounded for your life,” Yun scoffed. 3, 2, 1, 0, Kana smirked as he heard the door click open, he laughed and whispered, “You’re so done, Yun.”

“Who’s there?” Yun asked, taking his hands off Kana’s chest but still not releasing him.

Mew walked in, shocked at the scene, Is this that bastard? He saw the disgust and fear in Kana’s eyes turn into relief when their eyes met. Perfectly punctual, Kana smiled, needing a hug.

“Who’re you? Get out, we’re doing some couple stuff here, man. How did you even get in?” Yun kept on asking as Mew walked closer and closer to them. 

“Hands off,” he growled in a deep voice.

Yun rolled his eyes, “My boyfriend. I do whatever I want. Now, get the fuck out of here.”

Mew released a loud breath, trying not to be violent, “Put your filthy hands off him. Now. You and him are done. He’s mine.”

“Yours? Since when? Plus you look so old. Baby, is this your secret sugar daddy? Since when were you interested in rusty dicks?” Yun’s grip on Kana’s waist grew even tighter, making Kana audibly grunt.

That’s it. I’m done being nice, Mew’s brains snapped and within a mere second, Kana was behind him, safe, and Yun hanging in the air with his throat in Mew’s firm grip. 

“What? Don’t like me choking your neck? I thought you were into this groping and choking by how your filthy hands were on him,” Mew scoffed, squeezing his neck a little more, earning coughs. His jaw was clenched as he glared at rhe hanging man like a hungry predator would look at their next prey. His ruthlessness was clear and evident in his voice. “Now, I give you two choices, choose whichever. One, fuck off from here, don’t let me even see your shadow around Kana and you live. Two, stay stubborn and I kill you right here,” Mew threw him to the ground. “Kana, is it a problem if I kill him here?” he turned to see him shake his head. 


Mew pulled Kana into his embrace, still looking him dead in the eyes.

Yun stared confusedly at their proximity, choosing, “I leave.” But I’ll surely have my revenge, Yun grumbled, getting up and leaving.

You think I’ll let you live, Mew snapped a picture of him and sent it to his right-hand-man, giving him a few orders. 

Then, all his attention was to Kana, “Are you fine? You should have told me when we reached here that it’s him. I would have gotten rid of him sooner.” Kana gave him a tired smile, “It’s fine. He's actually bipolar, he must have been off meds. I didn’t expect him to be that terrible of a bastard. Moreover, you came in just in time.” “It would have been sooner if I didn’t forget the pattern. I remembered the digits but not the order,” Mew pouted his lips out, batting his lashes. 

Who would say he just threatened someone for their life?

“If I wasn’t frozen, I would’ve kicked his balls for calling you old,” Kana grumbled, trying to lighten the thickness in the air but it just would not go away.

“He touched you inapprpriately, didn’t he? Did he do that often? Where all did he touch you?” Mew saw the red handprints of his cheeks that boiled his blood. “H- He… Forget about him. What do you wanna eat?” Kana changed the topic. Mew’s doubts were confirmed now, It means he did something terrible. 

“Let me make a call. It’s urgent. And I’m fine with anything but raw meat,” Mew kissed his temple, earning one in return on his jaw before Kana left to check what all he had in store. Mew walked to a corner and dialed a number. 

“Where the fuck are you, Mew? Are you okay? Did you have a panic attack?” his ears blared. Sighing, he bit his lip, “I’m fine, and no panic attacks. I’ve been with Kana all day. Which reminds me… I won. He’s mine now.” A grin appared on his face but disappeared in no time. Jessi groaned, “Whatever! But why did you call me only now?” “Yeah well, we reached his place avout ten or fifteen minutes ago and his ex created a scene,” Mew closed his eyes, not wanting to damage anything Kana owned. “Okay… What did he do?” Jessi rested her ching on her palm. Growling, Mew clenched his fists, “Molested him. I already have sent Yeosang to track and arrest him. Can you have him killed for me, tonight itself. I can’t leave Kana alone right now. He’s too exhausted, he needs me here. “Okay. I’ll get to it, take care of Kana,” Jessi hung up. 

“I know what to make. How hungry are you?” Kana walked to him, smiling. Mew pulled him in his embrace again, “Not much. Take your time cooking but shower first, we’ve been out all day.” “I know. And you need to shower too,” Kana pinched his nose. “I don’t have any clothes,” Mew puckered his lips. Sighing, Kana rested himself on his sturdy chest, “I should have Bo-Gum’s boxers in my closet. He won’t mind you borrowing those and take one of my oversized t-shirts. Problem solved?” 

“Who’s Bo-Gum?” Mew frowned. “My best friend. The guy I was with yesterday. No need to be jealous,” Kana chuckled at his antics, “Let’s go shower.” 

“What do you mean?” Mew only wanted a confirmation. Kana winked at him innocently, “Shower with me?” And then walked to his room, Mew following him like a lost puppy. Kana prepared their clothes and towels. Bo-Gum’s boxers and his t-shirt for Mew and a pair of shorts and an off-shoulder for himself. 


Should I declare myself the "Bitchy Alien Queen of Cliffhangers" now?

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- Wannie

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