- Chapter Twenty-Three -

Start from the beginning

"Yeah, yeah, I know, Mr. Natural-Born Hero. Mr. Symbol of Peace." Recovery Girl mocked as she turned her attention back to her computer.

Luna couldn't help but roll her eyes a bit at this exchange. She had liked to think that she did a good job with keeping One for All a secret. The only problem was keeping this kind of secret from her uncle, which was a struggle since they were so close and it was hard not to tell him. She wanted so hard to rant to him about her position as a secret-keeper of this power, but she didn't want to put him in danger. Although if Recovery Girl knew, who else at U.A knew? Did Aizawa know? What about pro heroes? What if her uncle already knew?.... Did her mother know when she was alive?

She had to ask him. "All Might, how many people do know about it besides those of us in this room?"

He looked at her closely, as if wondering where this question came from. "Several people know about my injury and this weak form. Like the U.A faculty and a certain group of pro heroes, for example. However, only a few select people know the secret of One for All. There's you, Recovery Girl, the principal, and a very close friend of mine. Young Midoriya too, of course. But no one else knows the truth about my powers."

That helped clear a few things up, but she wasn't satisfied. Especially because he didn't tell her who this 'close friend' was. "I see." She stated before clearing her throat, afraid of her next question, "So did my mother... I mean, did she...?"

An awkward air filled the room as no one spoke for about half a minute. All Might then sighed again before shaking his head, a look of sadness filling his hallow eyes. "No, Young Hirose. Emiko didn't know. I'm sorry."

A feeling of sorrow filled her chest. "Oh. I see. Thank you." She responded robotically, looking away. She then stared down at Izuku, taking a deep but shaky breath. She leaned her hand over and held his left hand tightly. She couldn't cry. Because that wasn't what her mother would want. For almost a year, she held her tears back so not to shame her mother's memory. That's why she hadn't cried for her mother since the day she died. She had to remember her mother not out of sadness.

Recovery Girl didn't look at the pair, but did join into the conversation. "I am sorry once again, Miss Hirose. As for you, All Might, you're the number one hero in the world. Does it really matter if you were born with your Quirk or not? Do you have to be the "Symbol of Peace?" Is it that important to you?"

The young girl sniffed as she wiped her eyes, refusing to let her tears fall. But she nodded her head over to Recovery Girl, thanking her for the condolences.

All Might, however, continued to speak as his eyebrows furrowed. "If they knew I wasn't, the temptation of this power could corrupt our society." Luna turned her head back around to stare at the hero, only to see him solely staring at his hands, "This Quirk... Those who wield it are responsible for mankind's safety."

So that's why he couldn't tell anybody. If everyone found out, then who knows who could get their hands on it and use it for wrong reasons. She supposed that it was why All Might chose Izuku to be his successor, as they both knew that he wouldn't use it for any evil purposes. "Then you made the right choice by giving it to him, All Might. I mean that from the bottom of my heart." She said to the older hero, smiling as she squeezed Izuku's limp hand. She saw All Might give her a little smile, as if agreeing with her statement.

They both soon heard Recovery Girl sigh. "Well, if that's the case, it's even more important for you to be a good guide." She looked at All Might then turned her attention to Luna, "And you to be a good companion. He'll need both of you if he's ever going to learn to control this ability he's been gifted with."

"You're right." All Might agreed.

"I will, I promise." Luna responded, turning her attention back to the sleeping boy. She couldn't help but smile at how peaceful and sweet he looked. Although she longed for him to wake up, she couldn't help but find him so cute. Her hand gently squeezed his once again, scooting closer to his sleeping form.

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