- Chapter Twenty-Three -

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"The second day of school and he's already a regular patient!" Recovery Girl scolded to All Might while ignoring Luna for the moment, "Why didn't you stop him, All Might?"

They had only taken a few steps into the room, and already All Might was being shamed. Still, Luna didn't think it was fair. It wasn't All Might's fault. He probably did try to stop Izuku, but she knew how the green haired boy was - stubborn as all hell. And even though she partially blamed herself, another part of her told herself that it wasn't her fault either.

In Recovery Girl's office, it looked like a normal hospital room with some papers on the walls. There were a few hospital beds, and Izuku laid in the closet one to Recovery Girl's desk. The pro hero and the winged girl stood in front of the older woman, who sat in her chair near her desk. While Izuku remained unconscious in the bed with Luna standing close to him, his right arm was in a white cast while his left arm had an IV tube inside of it. She bit her lip, resisting the urge to shake him awake. She missed him terribly.

All Might coughed for a few seconds. "You're right, Recovery Girl. I'm sorry." He apologized like a child who was caught with his hand in the cookie jar.

Luna only gave a small scoff at this, but it was enough for the two adults to acknowledge her. "And you, young lady!" She jumped in surprise as she looked at the older woman. "Why didn't you stop him? Aren't you supposed to be his friend?"

Luna sighed and began to play with her hair that was still locked in the braid. "By the time that I had figured out what he had done, it was too late. Besides, he didn't tell me his plan." She explained, "But I suppose that I could've stopped him. I knew that he doesn't have control of his power yet, and I should've told him not to do anything like this. I'm sorry."

Even though she was only saying this to not argue, the young girl had to admit her mistakes. She could've warned Izuku before hand not to use his power, or only use a specific amount like he did yesterday. But she didn't because they both were so focused on winning the challenge. She would have to apologize to Izuku as well when he woke up.

"Well, it's no good apologizing to me!" Recovery Girl replied in a huffy tone to the pair before they all turned their attention to the sleeping boy, "He's too exhausted from his classes for my Quirk. I can't treat all his injuries at once. I did some first aid, but after the IV is finished, we'll have to wait for his body to heal overnight."

Luna sat down on the edge of the bed, gently letting her hand pet Izuku's soft cheek. She could still feel the warmth of his body heat, which gave her comfort. "Thank you again for healing him again."

"It's alright, dear girl. It's part of my job. Literally." She responded before turning to the blonde hero. "All Might, I know you passed your powers onto this boy, but you can't spoil him. And you also can't spoil Hirose either, even if she is in on the secret and is related to two very famous heroes, one of which we mourn every single day."

The greenette girl had to bite down on her lip. It seemed that any time someone brought up her mother, she was always on the verge of breaking down. Maybe because the wound was still fresh after it almost being a year. Or maybe because she was tired of all the attention she was gaining from her loss. And it was bad enough that she and her uncle already mourned Emiko every single second of every day.

She looked up at the grown-ups, speaking in a mature manner, "He's not spoiling us, I assure you. He was actually very fair to us, and even treated us like we were just his students. Like we weren't any different from the others, which is what we would prefer."

All Might smiled a little at Luna before turning his attention back to Recovery Girl, rubbing the back of his neck. "I am trying not to play favorites. But I wanted to consider their feelings, though. They both needed to see that they were capable of winning the exercise." He explained, "Also, will you please not talk so loudly about One for All when anyone around you could hear?" He quickly put a finger on his lips, a tone of annoyance slipping through his voice.

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