38 ~ Real Life

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Louisa's POV:

Turns out that being a representative for Veronique Laurent worked after all.

Not that I ever doubted it. Being married to one legendary formula 1 driver, and the mother to another gives her immense powers, just -- don't tell your new assistant to call her when something serious happens to her only child.

I sent her a quick message of what I knew, for when she was able to see it. 

"I'll take you to the hospital, Ms. Gordon. And have someone pick Mrs. Laurent up", the team principal, Giuseppe Bianchi, said, a sorrowful look on his face.

"Thank you, Mr. Bianchi", I shook his hand.

He started to apologize for keeping things from me, but I knew deep down he was more sorry for keeping things from Veronique, even if he didn't have anything to do with that personally, and I didn't really care at the moment. Henri was my top priority, I had to see him. 


I quickly checked in when I got to the hospital reception, again pulling the "Laurent family representative" card, and they rushed me in just as quickly.

Henri just looked so peaceful where he laid, Santi's bed right next to him. Pulling a chair up between their beds I sat down, grabbing one of their hands in mine.

Neither looked like they had sustained any injuries, but what did I know?


"Oh, sorry, I didn't know anyone would be here." I turned to the door where an older couple stood, the man who had just spoken looked exactly like Santi, and I quickly got up.

"Mrs. and Mr. Perez, I'm sorry, I had no idea you would be here, I'll give you some privacy." Giving the boys' hands a quick squeeze I left the room.

However before I could go, Mrs. Perez pulled me in for a hug, "Thank you, for looking after our son."

It brought fresh tears to my eyes, and I hugged back just as tightly as she was hugging me. "He would have done the same for me Señora Perez. You have a great son." They both nodded at that, and Mr. Perez joined in on the hug soon enough. "I'll let you two have some time with Santiago. I'll just be outside. Can I get you anything? Some coffee maybe?"

Both shook their head, then Mr. Perez spoke up for the first time since they got there, "You're welcome to sit in here, with Henri. We won't kick his girlfriend out like that."

I didn't bother correcting him, but deep down I felt like shit, the memory of one of mine and Santi's last conversations had been about me telling Henri about my feelings. I had managed to get him to agree on giving me time. He had repeatedly given in, extending the 'deadline'.

And now I didn't know if I got to talk to either of them again. It was all just a shit show from start to finish, and I know I should have just pulled my big girl pants on and told Henri. Everyone around us keeps insinuating that we're a couple, or that we would be perfect together. Those who really know us also keep telling me that he has feelings for me too.

If only I could've believed them, but instead the voices in my head kept shouting louder about how they were all lying to me. Oh, how I wish I could have just told it to shut the fuck up, please!

I looked back at Santi's parents, giving them a small smile, "I just--I need some air. I'll be back soon."


When I came back Veronique had gotten there, and so had my parents, not that I knew they were coming. 

"Mom? Dad? What are you two doing here?" I asked, surprise written all over my face as I hugged them both.

"I hope it's okay that I brought them, figured you might need them at this moment", Veronique explained, and I threw my arms around her neck, hugging her, thanking her for the kind gesture.

We then sent her in to see Henri, while the three of us stayed put. "How are you holding up sweetie?" Mom asked, and I broke down, turning to hug her again, crying against her chest. 

All the tears I'd held in fell out. My dad wrapped us both in a hug, giving the side of my head a soft kiss. "He'll be alright, poppet, he'll make it out on top."

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