20 ~ Whatsapp

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Crime Syndicate 😎🔫

Lou Lou


s'il vous plaît, Henri!!!!

Answer me or I might start crying!!! 😫🥺

a call was started

a call ended

a video chat was started

a video chat ended


Hey, I'm here


didn't have my phone on me

Lou Lou

Oh mon Dieu!

You gave me a scare!

Are you hurt? 🥺


I'm not physically

But it's messed up my mind a bit

It's been crazy here, Lou

Could you fly out earlier if we change your tickets?

I'll buy you anything you won't have been able to pack

Just need a friendly face right now 

(no hate to anyone, but myself, and your family need you right now)

Lou Lou

I got back to LA on Friday

Found out yesterday what happened

and tried to get a hold of you basically since then

I packed as soon as I could

Please, yes, I need to be there with you and my parents

and my brother 🥺


My assistant just texted

She was able to get a flight for tonight (LA time)

Please make it 🥺

I'll go with someone to the airport to pick you up

Lou Lou

I'll be there!

Be ready for massive hugs 🥺❤️


I'll be here with open arms ❤️

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