36 ~ Real Life

65 2 2

Louisa's POV:

Time was standing still as the drivers returned to their pit. But none of them were the ones I wanted to see. The cars arriving were the ones not involved in the crash. They all had to turn their car around, driving the wrong way back to start.

My eyes landed on Andrew's car, Red Bull's garage was next to Ferrari's. He carefully got out of the car and I sprinted over, looking at him for injury. "Andrea, ¿estás herido?" I asked, making him look at me, but he shook his head and hugged me tightly, crying into my shoulder.

I looked around as I held him, trying to see who else was coming back. I barely made out Alex's form in the rain a few cars down, but he was quickly pulled away by Isa who had probably been just as hysteric as I had been.

Julian was the next one to come over, he didn't mind or care that Andrew was there too, hugging the two of us. 

When crashes like this one happened, it didn't matter if you were rivals or best friends, if you were on the same team or not. At the moment you were all on the same team. And at the end of the day, most drivers were really good friends, across the teams. Many of them were old teammates.

Those drivers who returned back from the tracks who had their wives or girlfriends at the garage were swept away by them. And it made me feel...jealous inside. I knew I shouldn't. But deep inside me, I knew, that if I never got to see Henri again, I would never have been able to tell him.

I would never be able to tell him those three words I should have told him so long ago.

...Je t'aime, Henri



¿estás herido? - Are you hurt? (Spanish to English)

Je t'aime, Henri - I love you, Henri (French to English)

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