33 ~ Real Life

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Louisa's POV:

Race day--Austin, Texas.

It was one of those rare days when it was raining. Austin only got about 70 or so days like this on average, and it was pouring down. 

The practices and qualifiers had been sunnier than ever, and then as the start time had come closer and closer on race day, we were seeing more and more dark clouds.

I always hated that--whenever we were watching a race, whether it was at home or in person. Anything could happen in these conditions, and I always prayed that nothing serious would go down.

Situating myself in the Ferrari garage, while the boys got ready, I pulled them both closer, before they could get in their cars. I hugged Santiago first, telling him to be safe, and then I hugged Henri, not wanting to let go. "Be safe, please, I don't want anything to happen today", I told him, and he nodded, kissing my forehead and then hugging me again.

As they got in the cars and to the start line I stayed in the garage, in between were some of the guys working for Ferrari were looking on the screens and where the pit crew was ready to run out.

I was surprised the race was even happening with how hard it poured down. But, if it was deemed safe, who was I to judge.

The laps were going amazing, and I could finally start to relax, watching on the screens to see them. 

And then...

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