Chapter Eighteen

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I woke up and felt Hook's weight next to me, but instead of feeling his body heat, I felt like I was laying next to an ice cube. I turned to face him and nearly fell off the sofa in shock of what I saw. Hook's, normally black hair, had streaks of pure white in it, covering almost half his head. I placed my hand on the side of his face, he was freezing! "Hook?" I asked, hoping he would wake up. No response. "Hook!" I almost yelled. I sobbed into his chest but it gave me no comfort, it was like hugging a stone statue. Snow came rushing into the living room, "Emma what's wrong?" She came round and helped me get up off the couch before pulling me into a hug. "He won't wake up!" I sobbed.
"Shh shh, it's going to be okay."
I pulled away, "How can you say that?"
"Because I have hope, and because I believe." Snow left me thinking about what she had said as she refilled Hook's hot water bottles and made me a hot chocolate. I knelt down and held Hook's hand between my own but quickly dropped it. His fingers were ice, and his hand had intricate ice detailing all over them. "Snow!" I called. She quickly walked over and inspected Hook's hand, "He's turning to ice."
Before I could say anything there was a knock at the door. I slowly got up and opened it to find Henry on the other side.
"Hey kiddo." I said, trying to act like everything was normal.
"Mom? What's wrong." This kid knows me too well, I thought. Tears started rolling down my cheeks and Henry ran forwards to hug me. "What's happened?" He mumbled into my jacket.
"It's Hook." I said. Henry pulled away from me and walked to the sofa. He inspected Hook for a moment before saying, "This was Elsa, wasn't it." Me and Snow nodded glumly. "But that's great!" Me and Snow looked at him in confusion. "I mean, it's not great that it happened, but it is great because I know how to cure him!" I shot him a dubious look.
"How?" Snow asked.
"The same way you break any curse" Henry said.
"True loves kiss!" Snow and Henry said together, turning to face me.
"What! No, we don't have true love, I don't even know if we have love!"
"Oh, come on!" Snow cried, "He traded his home for you! Of course it's true love."
"What's the worst that could happen?" Henry said, smiling at me.
"You have to try." I jumped, I hadn't noticed David come in, "Even if it is for the pirate." Snow rolled her eyes and walked over to David. "Go on Emma, it's worth a shot." Snow said encouragingly. I walked over to Hook and looked at his face which was now also covered in that delicate ice design. I looked up feeling self conscious that my parents and my son were watching this. "Sorry," I said, "But I can't do this with you guys watching."
"Oh right." Snow said and she dragged David up stairs and motioned for Henry to follow.
I sighed and sat down next to Hook. "So now I have to kiss you." I said out loud to fill the silence. I looked at his face but felt nothing, the icy blue skin and pure white hair made Hook look nothing like himself. I wished I could see his eyes, to remind myself who this statue really is. I leant down and put my face centimetres from Hook's. I could feel the cold flowing from his body. I took a deep breath and placed my lips on Hooks. But nothing happened. It was just like kissing a statue. I pulled away, tears falling down my face onto Hook's frozen cheeks. We didn't have true love. It didn't work. Suddenly, I heard three pairs of footsteps come running down the stairs. "Did it work?!" Henry called. I looked at him with my tear stained face. "Oh." He said and hung his head. I stood up in hugged him close. .I couldn't let this happen to my family. "Hey kid?" Henry looked up at me. "You're gonna go live with Regina for now okay?"
"What! No! I want to stay with you."
"No Henry you can't I'm dangerous."
"If course your not Emma." Snow said trying to hug me. I backed away.
"Not dangerous, huh?. Yeah well tell that, to Graham or tell that to Neal." My words got caught in my throat, "Tell that... to Hook... I have to go." I grabbed the keys to my car and ran from the apartment. "Emma! Emma wait!" I could hear my parents behind me but I didn't stop.
I got in my car and drove towards the town line. I had to get away. I had to save them. As I raced towards the town limit just one thought was echoing through my head...
I'm better alone.


I'm Better Alone. (OUAT CaptainSwan) (Complete)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora