Chapter Seventeen

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I ran to him as he collapsed on to the floor. "What did you do?!" I yelled at Elsa.
"I got my revenge." She stalked off in the direction of the forest.
"I'm sorry." Anna said tearfully, before quickly running after her.
I turned back to Hook and quickly got out my phone. "David? It's Hook."
"What's the pirate done now?" He said with a sigh.
"No he's hurt, we're at Granny's. I need your help!" I said urgently.
"On my way."
I hung up and knelt down next to Hook. I shook him to try and get a response but quickly pulled back. Even through his leather jacket I could feel that he was freezing, like holding ice. At that moment David pulled up in his faded red truck.
"What happened?" He asked as he came towards us.
"Elsa." The word caught in my throat as I thought about Regina's curse.
"Ok. Let's take him home." David picked Hook up and we managed to get him into a position where he could be sat in the third seat of the truck without falling down.
We quickly got him home and David placed Hook on the couch.
"Oh my gosh!" Snow exclaimed as we walked past, seeing Hook's pale skin, "I'll get the blankets."
David got hot water bottles as Snow placed at least a dozen blankets over Hook. After a couple of minutes Hook awoke.
"Hook." I whispered, holding his hand. All thoughts of staying away from him flew from my mind in this moment.
"Hey Swan." He said in a feeble attempt at his normally flirtatious voice. "Where am I?"
"Our home." David pitched in.
Hook groaned, "Great." He said sarcastically. Then yelled in pain and curled up into a ball.
"What's happening?" Snow asked, almost as worried as me.
"I don't know!" I sobbed. Then, as quickly as it started Hook relaxed back into the sofa.
"Hook?" I asked tentatively.
"Aye." He had tears in his eyes. I stroked his hair, I couldn't bare to see him in so much pain.
"What happened?"
"I don't know," Hook shrugged, "My heart..." He winced in pain again.
I stood up, "We need Rumplestilskin." I pulled my phone out of my pocket and dialled Belle's number.
"Belle, we need you and Rumplstilskin, Elsa did something to Hook, we need your help."
"Ok, don't worry Emma we'll be right over."
"What makes you think Rumplestiltskin will be able to help?" David asked as I hung up the phone.
"He helped Henry." I said shrugging. I knew that my parents weren't all that bothered about Hook dying. They still saw him as a pirate, a villain. But I couldn't just let him die. I knelt down by Hook again and grasped his hand.
"I'll be alright Swan," He tried to reassure me, "I'm a survivor." He smiled and I gave him a watery smile in return. I could here my parents mumbling in the corner and, although I didn't catch any words, I felt that they were criticising Hook. I ignored them and got lost in Hook's ocean blue eyes.
Purple smoke suddenly appeared in the room, almost filling the small space.
"Jesus Christ!" I exclaimed in shock.
"No, just me, deary." Rumplestiltskin as the smoke cleared, Belle just rolled her eyes behind him.
"Was that really necessary?" Snow asked indignantly.
"Well Miss Swan sounded rather distressed, so we thought it was urgent, and cane as quickly as we could." Rumple smiled innocently, or as innocently as he can get.
"Hook got struck by Elsa," I said, getting straight to the point,"We were wondering if you could help him like you did for Henry."
Rumple sighed and walked over to Hook. "Crocodile." Hook greeted him.
"You might like to be a bit more pleasant or I won't help." Rumple threatened. Rumple hovered his hand above Hook's head and then over his chest. His face pinched for a moment in concentration before he stepped back from Hook.
"There's nothing I can do." He announced.
"What!" I was horrified, "But your Rumplstilskin, your the most powerful person around. You saved Henry, why can't you save Hook?"
"Well, deary, Henry was only struck in the head, which meant that I could simply manipulate his mind so it never happened. Hook however, has been struck in the heart, it cannot be so easily persuaded." He walked towards the door.
"What so you're just going to leave." I said standing between him and the door.
"There's nothing I can do deary, so, excuse me." He pushed past me and left the apartment.
"I'm so sorry." Belle pulled me into a hug, which I gratefully relaxed into.
"Thank you." I said with my voice think with tears.
Belle smiled grimly at me before leaving.
Snow sighed, "Come on Emma, it's late, you should get some rest, it's been a long day."
I nodded glumly.
"Hook will still be hear tomorrow." David said.
"Come on let's go to bed." Snow grabbed David's hand and bade me goodnight before going up the stairs to their bedroom. I walked and sat down by Hook's head. "Here." He said in a hoarse whisper as he scooted up so I could lie next to him. As soon as I was on the sofa he wrapped me in the blankets as well. "Goodnight Swan." He whispered in my ear.
"Goodnight." I replied, and I eventually fell asleep, worrying about how cold Hook felt beside me.

I'm Better Alone. (OUAT CaptainSwan) (Complete)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя