Chapter Tweleve

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I was able to move again as soon as Regina left the room but my mind was still frozen, stuck repeating everything Regina just said. Before I could recover Doctor Whale walked in making me jump out of my skin.
"Okay Emma, you're all fine, your free to go," Whale removed all of the machines that were attached to me. Then he placed the clothes I was wearing a week a ago when I was admitted onto the bed, and left to give me privacy to change out of the itchy hospital gown that I'd had to wear for the last week. Whale came back in ten minutes later, "Ok, here is your medication," he handed me a cardboard box of tablets. "Take one tablet if your head starts to hurt, but don't take more than two a day." I nodded and started to walk away. "Emma," Whale grabbed my hand, "It's very important. They're very strong drugs, an overdose can knock you out of worse, be fatal."
"Ok, no more than two a day." I said sincerely.
"Okay, I hope I don't see you anytime soon," he chuckled, "You're loved ones are waiting for you." I flinched at 'loved ones' but Whale didn't understand the double meaning in his words nor did he notice my reaction.
"Thank you, Doctor Whale." I recovered quickly and smiled at the man before walking out the door towards the waiting room.
I saw Hook from the corridor and tried to see if he was the only one in the waiting room. After struggling to get the right angle I decided that, unless someone was deliberately hiding on the ceiling, Hook was the only person I needed to get past. I tried to open the door quietly, and failed. Hook looked up straight away and caught me, face scrunched in focus.
"Trying to sneak out Swan?"
"No." I said too quickly. Damn it, I thought, usually I was so good with lying, and covering it up, but I was so shaken up about Regina I couldn't think straight.
"You alright there, Swan?" I shook my head to clear it but Hook got the wrong idea. "Swan?" He asked softly, standing just in front of me now.
"I'm fine." I said, aggravated at myself that I allowed myself to even talk to Hook, I'll just get him killed. Hook rocked back on his heels, shocked by my anger. "I'm fine." I repeated a little more politely, "I just wanna go home." Hook stood aside and waved his arms around mockingly miming, 'ladies first'. I forced myself to keep a straight face and confidently walked out of the hospital.
As I walked alone the street I noticed Hook following me, I spun around to confront him. "Look," I said crossing my arms, "I don't need a bodyguard or for you to walk me home."
"I know you don't need it but I want to." Hook said giving me the puppy dog eyes look.
"Well, I don't want you to come." It took all my willpower to not break under his gaze as it turned from puppy eyes to deep sadness. I turned and walked towards the apartment, leaving Hook frozen on the street.
"Mary-Margret?" I called as I walked through the door to our apartment, "Mary-Margret!?"
"One sec!" She called down from upstairs. I closed the door and walked around the counter to make a coffee.
"Oh Emma, you're home." Mary-Margret came towards me smiling and pulled me into a hug. I hugged back for a second before pulling away - too soon, I thought. I knew from the look on Mary-Margret face when I pulled away that she suspected something. "Is everything alright?" She enquired.
"Yes I'm fine." Mary-Margret raised her eyebrows at me. "I'm fine Mary-Margret." I said as sincerely as I could.
"Well," she said dropping the subject, "I want to talk to you." I instantly froze with my coffee cup half way to my lips.
"Don't worry," she said laughing, "It's nothing bad. I was just wondering about how you still call me Mary-Margret, don't you think that's a bit long?" She held my hand. "You can call me mom." I tried to smile, and failed.
"Hey, you don't have to, it was just a suggestion."
"No, no," I said not wanting to hurt her feelings, but I couldn't become any closer to her or she would have become a victim or Regina's curse. "I do think Mary-Margret is a bit long, but..."
"Yes," Mary-Margret said, nodding, encouraging me to carry on.
"Can I call you Snow?"
Mary-Margret looked a bit taken aback, but she quickly smiled and hugged me over the counter, "Of course." She said into my ear. She pulled away practically crying with happiness, "I need to go back upstairs," she said, looking down, trying to hide her tears, before quickly running up the stairs.
Great. I thought, I've just had a heart to heart with my mother whilst an evil sorceress is threatening to take away everyone I love. What am I going to do?

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