Chapter Thirteen

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"Snow?!" Although I had suggested I called her by her real name it still felt strange on my tongue, mind you, it had only been three days. I had relax a little bit in those three days, since I hadn't had any more visits from Regina and I was beginning to think that her threat was rather empty as she hadn't enacted her curse yet. "I'm going to Granny's, do you want anything?" I called to Snow.
"No thank you Emma." She called down the stairs.
As I walked down the street I looked for signs of Elsa but the weather was warm again and there was not a spot of ice anywhere. I had to get back on the search for her, I'd been out almost two weeks and unfortunately David hadn't made any progress alone.
I stepped into the diner and froze, barely believing what I saw with my own eyes. I stood there for goodness knows how long until the door opened behind me and hit me on the back of the head.
"Ow!" I yelled instinctively.
I groaned internally, it was Hook, the last person I needed right now. I reacted quickly to the situation.
"Hey Hook." I said smiling politely.
"Are you okay?" He asked, gently feeling the back of my head.
"I'm fine." I said, quickly stepping away. "Erm," I said, thinking fast, I needed to get him out of there, "Can I quickly talk to you... outside." I walked out the door knowing Hook would follow.
I turned to face him in Granny's courtyard, "" I couldn't think of anything to say.
"Rendered speechless by my dashing good looks, Swan." He said with a smirk.
"No," I said defiantly, "I was just wondering whether or not I need your help or whether I should ask someone else." I smiled as I saw my ruse affect Hook.
"Whatever you need m'lady." he said with a mock bow.
"Can you go and bring David here for me please? I think I know where Elsa might be. He will be at the station now." Hook raised his eyebrows at my request but started to walk towards the station nonetheless. I took a deep breath before walking back into the diner.
I still couldn't believe it. Elsa was there. Sitting in the booth at the back of the diner in a pair of black jeans, a stripy white and blue t-shirt, and a light blue leather jacket, just like mine. Plus, her hair wasn't in its signature braid but tied up in a high ponytail. But I knew it was her as no one but Elsa had those ice blue, piercing eyes.
"Hello?" I said walking up to her booth, "What are you doing here?" Elsa looking up with a determined look on her face, "I need your help."
"Right." I said plonking down in the seat opposite her. "What do you need."
"Well," she began, "I went and spoke to that Belle person and she said that nearly everyone in the Enchanted Forest got sent here in the curse. I'm trying to find my sister, she went to the Enchanted Forest to, to..." She tried to hold back the tears.
"Hey, it's alright, we'll find her." I said rubbing her arm.
Elsa took a deep breath before continuing. "She went to find that wretched pirate. I couldn't you see, I had to stay in Arendelle. But she didn't come back for weeks so I went to look for her. She never found the pirate, she met Zelena instead." I inhaled in shock, if Anna had met Zelena then she probably wasn't still alive. Elsa, reading the look on my face said, "I know she's alive because our love is true. And when you have true love you can feel when their life is lost."
"How do you know?" I interrupted.
Elsa almost smiled, "We have some family friends that are, as some would say, 'love experts'."
"Okay, it's sounds to me like Anna was part of the second curse, she will be in Storybrooke somewhere, we can find her. But first, what did Captain Hook do to you?" This question had been digging at me since I met Elsa, what did he do to cause so much hate? Elsa frowned at the question but answered carefully, "He... He... I loved him. I loved him, we balanced each other out, and I truly believed he lived me too. But he had a darkness inside him, one that was slowly fading away, until, two years after we met, and after I became Queen, an evil sorceress found his darkness and gave him what he wanted, revenge." Elsa put her head in her hands and sobbed but I couldn't comfort her like I could before, not after hearing this. "He told me his revenge meant more to him than I did. He broke my heart." Elsa gulped back the tears and said with determination, "I promised myself on that day that I would make him feel what I felt, when he ripped my heart out. I will get my revenge."

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