Chapter Nine

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"Okay, let's give this a go." As Emma said it she stood up, "Woah!" She swayed on the spot, I quickly grabbed her arm before she fell. "I'm alright," Emma smiled, "Head rush." I gave her a quizzical look. "I just got up too quickly." I carefully let go of her arm and, once I was sure she wasn't going to fall, I stepped back to give her some space. "Okay." She said again, shaking out her arms, then raising them to shoulder height, palms facing the ice wall that I created. She shut her eyes and her forehead creased in concentration.
Suddenly, Emma crashed to the floor. I ran to her and knelt down, shaking her arm to see if she responded. "No! Emma! Come on, wake up!" I shout.
"What's going on?" One of the men on the other side shouted.
"Emma." I shouted, I carefully picked her head up from the ice floor, but I found her hair slick with blood. "She's hurt!"
"What!" It was that man. The pirate. His accent instantly recognisable. "What did you do?!" I tried to take a deep breath but it became a sob.
"Help!" I screamed. I sobbed hysterically, I always hurt people, this is all my fault, it's always my fault. I hugged Emma close to my chest because, although I barely know her, she is the only person who tried to help me rather than seeing me as a threat. A tear slid down my cheek and it landed on Emma face.
"Emma!" It was the pirate, but his voice was muffled anymore.
I looked up. The ice wall had disappeared, the two men were running towards us. "What happened?" One said, kneeling down next to Emma and inspecting her head. I just shook my head. The pirate lent down to pick up Emma, but the other pushed him out the way. "Get away, pirate. We don't need you." He didn't even look at the other man, his whole attention on Emma. He then lifted Emma and started running back in the direction of the road whilst the pirate just stood there, tears glistening in his eyes. I slowly turned to walk away. "Do you know what it's like?" He asked softly, "To love someone that you can't see?" I slowly turned to look at the man I hated, the man that ruined my happiness. "Yes," I said, "But I didn't deserve it, I didn't deserve the isolation." I looked him in the eyes, "You! Do!" I spat, whipped around and ran in the opposite direction, thinking of Anna and how I finally found my sister only to be ripped away from her again. Tears started running down my cheeks and I found myself, lost, in the middle of the forest. I collapsed to the ground with my head in my hands. "Anna! Where are you!"

"Emma, please wake up, I need you."
My head hurt so much that I couldn't tell if the voice was real or my own imagination. I didn't know where I was or how long I'd been there. All I knew was darkness, pain and that voice. The voice had been there the whole time, talking to me, but I was trapped inside my own head. I couldn't answer, I couldn't move. Sometimes there were other voices but none called to me as much as this one did. "Emma." The voice felt so familiar and safe. "Come back to me." I tried. I tried for that voice. I tried to move, to open my eyes, to speak. But I couldn't feel anything, I felt so trapped inside my own body, so alone. Where am I?

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