Act 4: Noshiro vs Montpelier

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Fun Fact in the last Chapter

Fake View: A technique made by Noshiro, this technique could create afterimages that are used mostly to evade attacks. The afterimages work most effectively on enemies with good vision. (Inspired by Sun Breathing Eleventh Form: Fake Rainbow on Demon Slayer)



At the Sakura Empire dorms

At Agano and Noshiro's dorm

Noshiro: A sortie?

Agano: Yep, according to our intel there is a siren fleet doing some reconnassiance close our base, the problem is some of the shipgirls are already tired of patrolling from there shift

Noshiro: I see I'll go then who are the shipgirls that would be with me?

Agano: Essex, Nevada, Zuikaku, Maya, Montpelier, I-168, U-47, Dace, Albacore, and Baltimore, they will be the shipgirls that will join you

Noshiro: I'll take my leave to catch up with them

Agano: Stay safe then

And so Noshiro left the dorm to join the sortie tonight

An hour later

A few meters away from the siren recconaisance fleet

We could see Noshiro and the others heading to the fleet with the submarine shipgirls starting to go underwater to torpedo the siren fleet

As Essex and Zuikaku send there planes to the siren fleet, Noshiro and  the others fired the main guns at tbe siren fleet, with the siren fleet fighting back by firing there guns at the planes and to the shipgirls

As there fight started Noshiro uses her sword to cut one siren destroyer in half and then she started to search for more siren ships as she passed by some siren ships that are sinking slowly and are on fire

And then she heard some shell heading towards her and just in time 
she managed to deflect them and as she looked at the one who shot those shells to her, she saw Montpelier

Noshiro: Did Cleveland sent you here to kill me?

Montpelier: No I came here on my own free will to teach you a lesson

Noshiro: And that is?

Montpelier: Not to threaten my sister! *fires some shells from her main guns and torpedoes at Noshiro*

As Noshiro saw this she immediately gets cover from a slowly sinking siren ship, making all of hits missed and hit the slowly sinking siren ship

Noshiro: Are you really insane, you're going to kill me just because of that?!

Montpelier: If it'll not make Aneki cry so be it!!! *fires all of her main guns and torpedoes*

As Noshiro saw that she can't talk this out she immediately gets away from her cover and charges at Montpelier to knock some sense out of her

As Montpelier saw Noshiro getting close to her she immediately reloaded two of her main guns and fired it on Noshiro

As Noshiro saw this she spoke

Noshiro: Scorching Crimson Mirror

As she said this, she unleashes two horizontal slashes from fire from the burning siren ships mixed with air that her sword released, with this happening the shells that Montpelier fired from her two main guns were deflected  sucessfully

But this give Montpelier some time to load her topedoes and fired it to Noshiro who was getting close to her, but Noshiro already notices this and then she spoke again

Noshiro: Burning Sun

As she said this she unleashes a large circular slash that defends her from imminent frontal attacks

Until Noshiro realizes that she has let Montpelier load two of her last main guns she tried to dodge it but she got hit causing her to bleed a lot of blood and lost consciousness and started to sink into the ocean

As Montpelier saw this she immediately left the scene but unknown to her two submarine shipgirls witnessed what happened

And as for Noshiro-

To be continued

Unleashed upon the earth once more(Discontinued)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora