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✧Misma POV✧

I carefully brushed my fingertips over the tiny head that was snuggled into to my chest. His small mouth was currently drinking his milk from my breast, suckling and slurping which drew soft giggles from me.

When the floor cracked somewhere in the flat I lifted my head, knowing that my mate had come home. Had come home earlier than usually. I smiled to myself and to the small baby boy in my arms, my fingers once again stroking over his head that was covered in dark hair. He had his father's hair. And eyes. And wings.

Excitement over Azriel finally being home bubbled inside of my chest and made me sit up straighter in the bed. My eyes were locked on the door which finally opened and revealed no other that my glorious mate.

"Oh, you are still awake. I was worried that I might wake you up, my love," Azriel's voice sounded through the room when he stepped over threshold. I once again found myself in awe at how beautiful was.

Azriel took slow steps towards the bed, unbuttoning his jacket. My gaze met his, a smile appearing on both our faces.
"Rather awake again. He is so hungry tonight, drinking for the fourth time already," I informed Azriel, a yawn slipping through my lips.

When my mate had finally slipped out of all his clothes, leaving him just in his underwear, he sat down on the bed and placed a kiss to my shoulder, then to my neck and finally to my mouth. He inhaled deeply, lips curling against mine and then a grin spread over his face.
"Well, he needs a lot, he's growing rapidly!" he expressed, his fingers carefully brushing over Elvyn's cheek who continued to suck without letting anything distract him—without noticing that his father had returned.

"I still cannot believe we got so lucky to have him, just look at him. His tiny wings and his chubby cheeks," I happily said, tears dwelling in my eyes. It was a miracle. He was our miracle.

We had thought it wasn't possible anymore. It was what Madja had told us—the risk we had to take in order to end Koschei. Azriel and I had agreed that it would be fine. That we would adopt a child. We both stopped taking the contraceptive brew, thinking nothing would anyways happen. For around five years nothing had happened and then something changed. For days I had been feeling miserable. I hadn't been able to eat or drink without throwing up and had had a hard time staying awake. And we do not even talk about walking or standing. I had barely been able to lift myself onto my feet and that was when Azriel had taken me Madja to get a full check.

We hadn't been able to believe our ears. It was shock and surprise at once. And then we both cried, sobbed for hours and throughout the following whole night. I was pregnant!

"Looks like your on the Mother's good side and she was kind to you. Maybe a present from her," was what Madja had told us.

Sometimes I still was not able to believe our luck. There had been many nights since Elvyn had been born that Azriel had spent holding him the whole night, talking and singing to him and crying in between. Our tiny miracle.

"I know. I thank the Mother everyday for bringing you two into my life," Azriel whispered, lying down on the bed next to me, his hand moving to my thigh, squeezing. I leaned my head back against the headboard, closing my eyes for a brief moment and inhaled deeply.

Azriel chuckled lowly, listening to the sounds his son made while drinking. I had to snicker too and lowered my gaze to look at my mate. His gaze locked with mine, eyes once again like warm honey and a broad smile on his face.

When Elvyn was done drinking I put him on my shoulder, slightly bouncing him so that he could make his burp which soon came and was quite loud. A proud chuckle escaped Azriel.

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