Chapter 6 HUMOR

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Alice and I are on our way to the mart to spend our famo points, I see the tall building that I first thought was just a place surrounding the big speaker phones but is really where my ceremony will be held.So what will I do at this ceremony ? Well Alice responds you get to know where your living quarters are and what program you will be in and of course how many famo points you should get per year with your program. Oh so like a job interview but I'm getting answers instead of questions. Sure? Alice says with a confused look on her face. Never mind I say while rolling my eyes behind her back. Do you think you could stand up there with me I ask? Well you have to get 1 guest but they just sit in the front row. Well you can cheer for me then., I say. Yeah sure Alice says in reply, I can't say no because I don't have anything to do and it's not like I'm going to lie to you Alice says before I can say thanks. "well thanks, I guess?" I say, then she smiles. Oh guess what they give you your chip at your ceromony! What's a chip, I ask with a scared look on my face? Oh nothing ,it's just something they guardian's servants put in your arm, they don't really tell you why but I wouldn't worry about it.okay, I trust you on this I say with a nervous sigh. So what kind of stores does this mart have? Well, the mart has all the great stores from movies or TV shows! Oh so that is what? Well there's like a million , just come inside with me. Okay, I say with an excited look on my face. I've never been shopping before! Well I had the map implanted in my head! What ! I say with a shocked look on my face. I'm just kidding silly, she said while cracking up. Gosh you do not have a sense of humor, have fun once in a while.Alice said covering her mouth the second after she said it. "I'm sorry." Alice said with the smile she's made mine. It's fine I say with a small sigh and smile. "So let's get shopping" I say! Okay come this way it's the closest entrance to the good places, I'm so excited Alice says! Alexis come on! I'm coming shush, Alexis says. Alexis and Alice walk into a tea place called tea time ,it's based of my movie she lets out a squeal and runs in eating different berries and things in tiny silicone containers. Oh laughing beans , Alexis you NEED to try this! Okay Alexis says, wait she pauses "will this hurt me I eask?"Oh,no! Okay then,I'll try it. Alexis pops the bean in her mouth mmmm that's really good, she says with a lump in her throat I feel like laughing! Just let is out Alice says. Why do I feel like laughing I ask trying to hold it in, but before Alice can answer I burst out laughing trying to stop but failing! Help me. What was in that bean. Was their some kind of potion?!? Well ,she finally responds theoretically yes but scientifically no Alice say with a smile that makes her look like she going to explode! Why did you lie to me I asked if it would do something to me and you said it wouldn't, I say with anger in my voice between laughing! No Alice says, you asked if it would hurt you I said no , which means I did not lie to you.fine I say with my teeth grinding . Okay just try to take some deep breaths and calm down it will stop the laughing says Alice. Okay I say, this is probably the last time I'm trusting you, Alexis takes three deep breaths and thinks about her sister her sisters smile and hugs and the love and kindness that pulses through her veins. I don't realize it until Alice say earth to Alexis come on earth to Alexis I focus hard on her and see I'm not laughing anymore, " I'm not laughing anymore " Alexis says " I'm not laughing anymore",more excited this time then she meant it to be. Alexis the turns around stalk up to Alice, "don't hurt me she says in a tiny whisper " Alexis leans over and hugs Alice. "What" alice says , "thanks for helping me" I say "what, aren't you mad at me?"Alice says with question in her voice and a confused look on her face. Yeah,duh of course I mad at you, but you did help me most likely thinking I was going to punch you in the face when I stopped laughing I say, so thank you even if you did cause the problem you also fixed it so once again, thank you. Well "your very welcome"Alice said with a smile ! "I know we came here today to go shopping for clothes and things but can we come back another day I'm so tired and I think we've had enough excitement for today ?" Yeah sure Alice says, let's head back home dinners in on me tonight." "Kay". "Kay we say to each other with a small smile towards each other and walk out the door of the mart!

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⏰ Ultimo aggiornamento: Dec 18, 2015 ⏰

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