Chapter 4 the note

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"Hello " I call as u knock on a big wooden door with Alice jumping up and down behind me. Well I guess no ones home I say, but just as I'm about to turn away the door creaks open just a tiny bit. I expect to see a person or some sort of creature but instead I find a tiny yellow sticky note thy reads "come back tomorrow" in sloppy writing , "well there goes that" I scream. I turn around to see Alice in the ground sleeping. Why are you sleeping, I scream in her ear . I'm not sleeping she screams back in my face with a snotty tone of voice as said. Wow quite a attitude ,miss Alice . Alice starts to say something and stop her to say "I'm proud of you." Say what now ? You need to learn to stand up and plus that's how I really picture Alice from Alice and wonderland! Oh did you know diddle see and diddle dumb are actually my cousins! Ummmmm no, I say I thought they were just little children! Oh no no! And before I can say something she starts talking to herself or bickering I should say. Alice stops all of the sudden and asks "so what did the gaurdians say"? Oh I almost forgot they said come back tomorrow. Oh that's to bad I was hoping to ask them if I could play Dorothy in the remake of the Wizard Of Oz! I am about to ask "what" but I decide against it. So I guess I'll be living with you for a while then. Eeeeeek Alice screams I've always wanted to have a sleepover , come on Alexis I'll show you the way!

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