Chapter one My Dead Family

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I woke up with a rush of adrenaline breathing hard but strong. I ran to my small closet of clothes that still wasn't there. I lived in an orphanage with my six year old sister (Casey).I am twelve but look like I am at least sixteen! My mother died when Casey was born ,my father got taken to jail for selling drugs on a highway shortly after my mothers death. I thought me and Casey could live by ourselves I new how to feed her and take care of her although I was only six, but the authorities came to pick us up at the house the same day my fathers trial ended although I was not able to attend I still wish I could have seen the look on his face when he was taken away I loved my father but apparently he didn't love Casey or I enough to stay out of trouble. We lived in a small room, their was more then one care taker but I begged them to let me help take care of Casey and share a room together so I could still see her at all times, the only person I have left is my sister and both of us know that and care about each other deeply, that's why I need to get back to her, my name is Alexis Marie Brown and I am stuck in the land of the forgotten!

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