Until Then-1958

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    After Sophia abruptly left her classroom, she left the school building and began running home. She kept turning around to see if Indigo was following her. When she reached her neighborhood, she stopped running. There Indigo was. Sitting calmly on his little fence. He started singing to her. That's when Sophia remembered that her mother told her not to fear when her bird comes. She tried her best to calm herself down. She slowly approached Indigo.
"Hey Indigo. Why didn't you just tell me?" She asked, kneeling down by the fence.
Indigo chirped and sang to Sophia.
"But you did scare me, Indigo! But I forgive you. Let's see, I found you 5 days ago?" Sophia questioned.
Indigo tweeted an assuring sound. Sophia nodded and waved for Indigo to follow her. She began walking and talking with Indigo about all the things she was going to do before Indigo carried her to heaven. Although she was talking about when she would pass, it seemed to calm her down. When her and Indigo Got back to her house, Indigo stayed outside and Sophia walked in. Forgetting that she had run away from school.
"Sophia? What are you doing home so early? Her mother asked, confused.
"Why didn't you tell me what Indigo meant?" Sophia asked quickly.
"What do you mean? I thought you knew." her mother said getting a little quieter.
"I had to find out from Indigo why he was here. While I was reading my paper, I got to the part when you told me what the little colorful bird meant to our family. Then I saw Indigo through the window. That's when I remembered, so I ran away. Why didn't you tell me?" Sophia asked with tears welling up.
"I'm sorry Sophia. I didn't tell you because I couldn't bear the thought of losing you. I was hoping you would never find y=out so you could go peacefully." Her mother said, starting to cry.
"Well, what do I do until then?" Sophia asked, holding back tears.
"Live your life to the fullest." Her mom said, trying to smile.

An Indigo BirdWhere stories live. Discover now