Little Purple Bird-1958

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Sophia woke up extra early for school so she could take time getting ready. She put on her favorite dress and took out her curlers to reveal her long brunette ringlets. Her mother prepared some eggs for her family and put them on a plate. Sophia ate some and got on her shoes. She headed out the door for the bus.
The bus stop was at the end of her neighborhood, so she had to leave early to walk to it. As she was walking, she noticed a small purple figure up in the trees. She couldn't make out what it was so she went on walking.
After school when she got off the bus, she saw a small purple bird sitting on a fence by the edge of the road. When she saw it, she stopped. She walked off the bus and approached it. Unlike most birds, this one didn't fly away. He sat there and started singing to her. There was no one else around so she knew it was singing for her.
"Hello little guy. What are you doing here?" She asked the bird.
Although the little bird was a bird, she felt as if she knew what it was saying as it sang.
"You're here to see me? Why?" she questioned.
The bird glanced away and back again then began to fly down the road towards her home. She watched the bird as it landed on a tree. She ran to it but it flew again but this time didn't stop until it reached her home. When she got there too, she found the bird resting on her porch. Sophia nodded kindly to the bird and entered her home.
"Mom, come look at this!" Sophia hollered as she opened the blinds to reveal the bird on the porch.
"What is it?" Her mother asked.
"Look at that little purple bird! He's so pretty! He came with me all the way home." Sophia said, pointing to the bird.
Her mother took a gulp, "Did you say, 'little purple bird'?" Her mother asked concerningly.
"Yeah! Look, he's so pretty!" Sophia said with noticeable excitement.
"I don't see him. Will you go put your stuff away and go stir dinner? I need to go talk to your father." Her mother asked and walked away.
"Yeah, I will." Sophia said, slightly disappointed.
Sohpia waved goodbye to the bird and closed the blinds. She put her stuff away and walked into the kitchen to find that dinner wasn't cooking.
Silly mom! There is no cooking dinner! She must be frazzled today. She thought to herself.
The next morning the little purple bird walked her to and from the bus stop. It seemed as if that bird was on the fence all day waiting for her. Because the bird seemed to be in the exact same spot both times she saw it.
"Mom, I saw the purple bird again! He came with me too and from school this time!" Sophia said as she walked in.
"Why are you crying?" Sophia said, losing all of her excitement.
"Oh it's nothing, I'm fine. Go stir dinner." Her mother said and waved her off.
Sophia put her stuff away and entered the kitchen. This time there was dinner to be stirred. She washed her hands and began to stir the soup on the stove. There were only two things on her mind: The purple bird, and her sobbing mother. Something deep down told her that her mothers tears had something to do with Sophia's purple bird.

An Indigo BirdOpowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz