Pallet Party Panic

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Mo stood with Ash, Ignatius, Pikachu and Professor Oak on a raised platform in Oak's garden. He had gathered together many of the townspeople, Rei, Brock and Misty to celebrate the end of the Indigo League competition.

"Thank you to Ash and Momoka for representing us so well at Indigo Plateau. And let's salute them both for doing Pallet Town proud." Oak toasted. "Hip hip..."

"Hooray!" Everyone cheered.

Ash and Mo walked over to their friends with Blastoise and Terra as Brock ate a bunch of food. "Pallet Town really knows how to throw a party." He said between bites. "The food is delicious."

"We shouldn't be the only ones celebrating." Amari said. "Let's let our Pokémon join the party too."

"Good idea." Ash replied. "We couldn't have gone to the Pokémon League without them."

"You're right." Brock agreed. "Geodude, Onix, Zubat, Vulpix, it's time to come out and chow down."

Misty was next. "Goldeen, Staryu, Psyduck, you're invited too."

"Onix, Arcanine, Haunter, Tauros, Padme. Come on out!"

"Everly, Stormy, Imelda, Aurora, Amos. Time to eat."

Amari pulled her Pokéballs from her bag. "Come on. Bridgit, Blitz, Zeus, Nikita, Alec."

Pop! Pop! Pop! All the Pokéballs opened.

"Squirtle, Bulbasaur, Pidgeotto, join the party." Ash threw his out. "Charizar--"

Brock and Misty held Ash back before Misty said, "Think about this, Ash."

"I don't think that letting Charizard out is such a great idea, Ash." Brock added.

"Especially after the way he was at the competition." Rei commented.

"Oh, but I--" Ash thought about it. "I'll invite Charizard next time."

Brock and Misty let Ash go.

"Okay everybody!" Amari called to the Pokémon. "Time to dig in!"

"Ash must be really proud." Brock said. "And of course, you too Mo."

"I think Ash has grown up a lot since being in the Pokémon League." Misty commented. "Don't you guys?" Everyone nodded in agreement. "Huh? Where is Ash?"

The aforementioned boy was running with the Pokémon over to the food. "Let's eat fast so we can eat again!"

"Pi, Pikachu!"

"Or not." Rei said, everyone but Misty laughed.

Ash came back with food for the group. The friends set up their Pokémon's dishes first and then started chowing down. Amari took one bite of noodles and felt like her mouth had caught fire. Brock was the same way, and the Pokémon. Everyone jumped around.

"Okay, Staryu. I think you better use your water gun attack to cool everyone down." Misty instructed.

Staryu jumped into the air and shot two jets of water on the group, soaking them and cooling them down.

"What's the matter with you guys?" Ash asked. "Aren't you tough enough to handle a little spicy food?" Ash chomped down on a ball of food and his mouth became inflamed.

Out of nowhere someone yelled. "Prepare for trouble."

"Make it double." Another said.

The food cart Professor Oak had hired where Ash had gotten the food from was transforming into a hot air balloon. "To protect the world from devastation." The first said.

"To unite all peoples within our nation."

"To denounce the evils of truth and love."

"To extend our reach to the stars above."

"Ha, Jessie."

"Ha, James."

They pulled of their chef disguises. "Team Rocket, blast off at the speed of light."

"Surrender now, or prepare to fight."

"Meowth, that's right." The talking Pokémon finished.

"Team Rocket." The friends all said together.

"I'd be glad to give you my secret recipe for those nuclear noodles." Jessie told them.

"And my mustard plastered meatballs." James added.

They all threw their spicy food at Team Rocket. "It's not fun to fool around with food." Misty yelled.

The food landed in Jessie, James and Meowth's mouths. They started screaming from the pain of the heat of the food. They jumped in their balloon.

"Come on, let's get out of here and fast." Jessie instructed.

"Power on!" Meowth pressed a button and they ascended into the air.

"Say so long, Pikachu."

Out dropped Pikachu tied to a rope suspended from the balloon.

"Come back here!" Ash yelled. They flew off. "Squirtle, use your water gun attack."

"Blastoise, hydro pump."

Neither was able to reach the ascending balloon. Suddenly small bombs started landing, making everyone jump out of the way.

"We've got to do something to stop them!" Mo called over the sound of explosions.

"Don't worry." Ash replied. "Pidgeotto, go up there and burst that balloon. Use your quick attack."

"You too Zeus!" Amari called out.

The two bird Pokémon shot towards the balloon putting a large hole in it. But Team Rocket just released a second balloon.

"Don't let them get away!" Ash yelled.

Arbok was called out and shot poison stingers into both Pidgeotto, causing them to fall. Ash and Amari raced towards them and caught them before they hit the ground.

"Zeus?" The bird Pokémon squawked happily. "Good, you're okay. Ash?"

"Pidgeotto's okay too." He answered before standing. "I'll show them."

He pulled out Charizard's Pokéball. "Wait a second Ash!" Misty said as their friends came over to them. "I know we've got to stop them, but that's not Charizard's Pokéball, is it?"

"Yes, it is. So what?"

"Pika! Pi!" Pikachu called out.

"Don't worry! Help's on the way, Pikachu!" Ash threw out the Pokéball. "I choose you, Charizard." Charizard roared as he appeared. "I'm counting on you, Charizard. Please go and get Pikachu back for me."

He snorted and spied the fruit table.

Brock groaned. "It's no use"

"Please." Ash begged the fire Pokémon. As Charizard made his way to the fruit table, more bombs were dropped on them. One knocked out the fruit table, angering Charizard. He growled in anger before flying up and attacking Team Rocket. Using his wing to send their bombs back at them, causing the balloon to explode. Team Rocket went flying and Pikachu landed on Charizard. "Good work, Charizard. Guess you decided you're going to obey me after all." The girls, Misty and Brock jumped out of the way as, in retaliation, Charizard spit fire at Ash. "I guess not."

Charizard began flying around fast, kicking up dust and roaring. Shooting fire and raging.

"I knew this would happen." Misty said.

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