Wanna Share a Drink?

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A loud, angry scream. Albert panicked as he shot up from his once sleeping state. What the hell was that? Was it Billy? It sounded like it.

Albert stood slowly, carefully tying his shoes. It was completely quiet now, the silence feeling much louder than the initial scream.

But why would Billy scream? It didn't make any sense. Billy was so stoic and unbothered by everything. But he wasn't in his cell so who else would it have been?

Albert started walking towards C-D Street, where he heard the yell from. He peeked into Sal and Finns cells as he passed them, frowning at the happily snoozing gangsters. Anthony was also sound asleep. How did they all sleep through that?

Maybe I imagined it. Albert thought. He ran off down the hallway anyway, intent on making sure Billy wasn't dead.

Billy was calmly leaning against the wall with a bottle of booze in his hands. Where the hell did he get that?

"Billy? What are you doing up?" Albert asked gently, hoping not to startle the hitman.

"Oh. Shit." Billy mumbled. He sighed.

"Did you scream?"

"Go back to bed."


"Leave me alone, Weasel!"

Albert fidgeted with his fingers for a moment. Looking back up at the killer caused a small pang of guilt, but he didnt quite know why.

Billy sighed. "Do you... doya wanna share?" He avoided eye contact as he held the bottle out slightly.

Albert hesitated, not wanting to invade the hitmans personal space, but did eventually step forward and accept the bottle from him. "Why the sudden change?"

"Just shut up.." Billy mumbled, taking the bottle back and tanking down a big swig. Albert cringed, Billy's tolerance to alcohol was clearly much higher than his, he had to admit it was a little intimidating. "I just... don't wanna be alone right now."

Albert noticed how sad the killer looked. He could sympathize, of course, for he struggled with depression. He recognized that empty, hopeless stare of a man wondering if life is even worth living.

"But that doesn't mean I wanna actually talk to you!" Billy suddenly snapped, breaking the short pause of silence.

"Then we don't have to talk." Weasel gently took the bottle back and took a small sip of his own. "If you decide you do want to, I'm right here."

Billy's eyes lit up, just slightly, as he looked over at the con man. Albert figured he wasn't expecting anyone to care at all.

Weasel noticed blood dripping from Billy's hand. Had he punched the wall? Without thinking, Al reached out and grabbed the hand, which Billy quickly snatched away and replaced with a hard, threatening glare.

"Are you okay?" Albert asked.

"Fine." He snapped.

"Punching things isn't healthy you know" Albert joked. It made Billy loosen up a little again.

"Shut the fuck up." He mumbled, but Albert could tell he was amused.

Billy gently took the bottle back and took another big gulp, not minding this time when Albert grabbed his hand.

Al used his coat to wipe away the blood, causing Billy to wince, but Albert was more focused on assessing the damage. He glanced up to the wall across from them, noticing a small splat of blood where Billy hit the wall.

Gingerly, Weasel wrapped both his hands around Billy's and pulled him off towards the infirmary. Surprisingly, Billy didn't struggle, and even when Al started to clean the busted skin around his knuckles, he didn't push the smaller male away.

"You know." Billy said, shattering the silence. "You're not so bad."

"I'm not?"

"You're mildly annoying at worst." Billy scoffed and rolled his eyes. "I hate you."

Albert chuckled. "My life goal is to annoy everyone, this is good news!"

Al finished wrapping up the hitman's hand, which he quickly snatched away from the little con man.

"Don't ever do anything like that again or I'll fucking kill you." He grumbled. Al simply chuckled again.

"Maybe dying wouldn't be so bad."

Billy looked a little shocked. This was meant to sound like a joke, but there was a lot of seriousness in it too.
"You uhh... you okay?" Billy asked. His eyes searched the Weasel for a moment, concern replacing his previous anger.

Al laughed quietly. "I've never been okay." He replied. "That's why I'm so worried about you right now. I can tell you're going through something."

Billy looked down, the sadness returning to his eyes. "Yeah there's a lot botherin' me." He muttered. "I didn't know you were all... sad an' shit."

Albert chuckled again. Sad an' shit. Understatement of the decade, Billy. He thought. "I've been for a long time. I knew you had some mental issues but you're not the kind to open up, especially to someone you don't like. I never thought I'd find you this upset though."

This time, Billy laughed. "Things are getting to me."

"Wanna talk about it?"

"Not really."

"Do you want me to leave you alone?"

"No..." Billy whispered.

Albert nodded, and pulled the hitman into a tight hug. Billy was about to pull away, but decided against it as he swallowed his pride and melted into the con man's embrace.

"You're not so bad."

"You told me that" Albert smiled.

"Yeah well I was an asshole about it. You really aren't that bad. I dunno why I'm always so mean to you."

"Its okay." Albert replied softly. "But you should get some sleep. Its late and I can tell youre tired."

"Yeah.. okay." Billy reluctantly pulled back, rubbing his eye. Albert patted the infirmary cot, hoping Billy would just go to sleep rather than insist on going back to his cell.

He did, laying down and curling up on his side. He looked about ready to fall asleep as Albert gently pulled the sheet over him.

"Thanks for coming to help me."

Albert smiled. "Thanks for not killing me for trying" He joked, causing Billy to laugh.

Billy closed his eyes and snuggled into the sheets, smiling again as Albert kissed his cheek before leaving the room quietly

BloodMoney Oneshots (Billy X Weasel)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum