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Finn fought with Billy for a moment, struggling to push him away as the slightly shorter male was much stronger. Finally, Billy lost his footing and fell backwards, tumbling into the Weasel behind him. Albert yelped in pain, finding himself pinned to the floor by 190 pounds of Billy. Finn slammed the cell door and locked it before Billy could stand up again.

"There!" He breathed, panting as he stood back with his hands on his hips. "Now you two can stay in that cell until you get along!"

Billy stood, wrapping his hands around the bars of the random cell he found himself trapped in. "Fuck that! I don't wanna be in a cell with that asshole!"

"Too bad." Finn said as he walked away. Billy called after him, yelling his name and clawing in his direction through the bars of the cell.

Billy sighed. He glared at Albert, who was still sitting on the floor and rubbing his shoulder. He walked to the opposite corner and sat down, focusing his angry gaze to the hallway.

"Im sorry I probably shouldn't have started arguing..." Albert mumbled.

"Yeah no shit. Now I gotta be stuck here with you." Billy snapped. Albert didn't reply, just scooted back to the corner farthest from Billy and pulled out his drawing book. Halfway through his sketch, he realized his nose still had blood on it from his earlier fight with the hitman, using the back of his glove to rub the dried blood off.

Billy laughed. "Did I break it? Or are you okay?" He asked. He had a smirk on his face, clearly not caring if the arsonist was or wasn't okay.

"Im fine." Albert looked away, back down at his book. He started to regret getting into so many fights with Billy lately, some of them turning physical as their arguing became more and more heated. Now he was in physical discomfort from the bruises, but he was also uncomfortable because Billy wouldn't stop staring at him.

Crystal blue eyes glared deep into Albert's soul, burning a hole right through him. Billy was clearly still very pissed off, and Albert began to fear for his safety. Yeah, he started a brawl with Billy. But he was still much smaller than he was and if Billy really wanted to he could easily add another death to his headcount. Albert could try to defend himself, and he could probably hold Billy off for a little while, but even if Finn did hear what was going on and came to save him, Billy was powerful. Finn had a hard time getting him in here, he would have an even harder time stopping Billy from ripping Albert's face off.

"Billy..." Albert started.

"Shut the fuck up." Billy snapped.

"But i-"

"Shut up."

"Y-you're scaring me..." Albert mumbled, trying to dissapear into the corner he was tucked away in. He locked his gaze with Billy's, the fear evident.

Billy didn't stop glaring angrily, but he did look away, focusing his rage on the arm of a corpse outside instead. Weasel ripped out a page of his book, quickly scrawling something down before sliding it across to Billy, who picked it up and glared at it with slight confusion.

Is it better if I talk to you like this?

Albert rolled his pensil towards Billy.

I'd rather you not fucking talk to me at all. Billy slid the paper and pensil back, turning away as he clearly thought he had ended the conversation. He glared at the smaller man as the paper found its way beside him again.

Look I really am sorry. That was such a dumb argument and it didn't need to get so heated.


Can we talk through this like adults?

No. Fuck you.

Billy we are grown ass men, at the very least acknowledge my apology

Billy groaned, glaring up at Albert again. "Fine. It's fine. Leave me alone." Albert nodded and went back to his sketch. He knew Billy would never admit to accepting his apology even if he did, his ego was too big. A ball of paper hit Weasel in the head, startling him. He looked up at Billy, who was snickering.

He still looked angry, but Albert took the paper ball from beside him and playfully tossed it back. Billy caught it, his sneer turning to confusion as he frowned at it. He threw it back, a little gentler this time. Albert almost caught it, but it bounced off his hands and into his lap. Billy smiled very faintly as he caught the ball again, clearly amused. The anger had all melted from his face.

This went on for a while, gently tossing the paper ball back and forth, sometimes purposely hitting eachother with it. Billy actually started giggling madly, but not a hint of insanity in it, just amusement. He seemed to be enjoying their little game. Finn walked near the cell, putting his weight to one leg.

"You guys finally gonna stop fighting every two seconds?"

Billy stood, paper ball in hand, and met Finn at the bars. Finn searched his eyes for a moment before a paper ball was thrown at his face.

"Oh, fuck off." Finn mumbled as he unlocked the cell. Billy laughed, sitting back down and tossing the ball back to Albert.

"He's not so bad when he's not jabbering like a clingy parrot" Billy said. Weasel rolled his eyes, throwing the ball at Billy's face and laughing.

BloodMoney Oneshots (Billy X Weasel)Where stories live. Discover now