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Takes place before alcatraz

Albert sat on his couch, eyes drooping shut constantly as he leaned his head on the arm. He was exhausted, the last bank heist really took a toll on him, especially mentally. He was just... drained. He yawned, taking a sharp inhale. He felt like his lungs were hot. He felt suffocated, like he wasn't getting enough air.

He allowed his eyes to close, letting himself fall asleep. A knock on his door startled him, making him jump as he was thrown from his half asleep state. He stumbled to the door, forgetting to check who was there in his daze. Lucky him, it was only Billy and not the police or a member of a rival mob.

He looked up at the hitman, still half stunned as he backed away from the door to let him in.

"Nice to see you too, Al." Billy muttered.

"Sorry." Albert's voice was so weak and thin because of his exhaustion. He couldn't even muster anything more than sorry, though he wanted to say more and explain. Albert examined Billy for a second, making sure he wasn't here because he was hurt. Once he made sure the young man wasn't wounded, he walked back to his couch and flopped himself down. Billy gave him a confused look.


"Just makin' sure you weren't hurt." Albert slurred.

"No, man, I came over to make sure you were okay. Finn said you were limping yesterday after you got outta there."

"Hurt my leg. That's all."

"Are you sure, dude I can barely understand you!"

"Im tired."

It seemed to click for Billy. Weasel seemed so groggy and dazed because he was tired. "Did you not sleep?"


"Why not?"

Albert sighed. He opened his blue and green eyes again and glared up at the hitman.

"Right, tired!" Billy lowered his voice to a whisper by the end of his sentence. "Sorry"

Albert could feel the couch sink as Billy sat down. He felt hands gently grip his shoulders and pull him into a firm but gentle hug. Al shifted his position a little, relaxing in the strong arms of the psychopath. Billy lay back, pulling the arsonist with him, and  settled in. He decided to lay on his back with his ankles crossed and his arms wrapped around the Weasel on top of him. It was oddly comfortable, considering Billy hated laying on his back. Curled in a ball under the comforter on his left side was peak comfort.

He felt the smaller male nuzzle into his chest as he fell asleep almost instantly, his breathing slow and even. Billy blushed. He felt weird. This felt weird. He couldn't wrap his head around the strange feeling in his chest. Albert was asleep, happily snoozing, just laying on his chest with one arm around Billy's back and the other resting on his abdomen. It felt... good. Yet Billy was so used to being closed off and cold, the sudden warmth just didn't quite feel right.

He ignored it, wrapping his arms a little tighter around the little arsonist. He sighed with a slight smile. He suddenly noticed the imprint of his handgun poking out from his belt, dangerously close to jabbing into Albert's side. He carefully pulled it from its place and quietly slid it onto the coffee table. There. No chance to make him uncomfortable. Though, Albert was so exhausted the sudden pain in his side probably wouldn't even wake him up.

Billy started to feel tired himself, realizing how comfortable he truly was. He felt like making Albert comfortable was his only job at the moment. He gave the con-man a kiss to the forehead, nuzzling him for a moment.

He shifted his weight just enough so his shoulders were even. He felt his hands slowly slide off of the arsonist as he drifted off, slowly closing his crystal colored eyes. Though it was only 3 pm, the two slept all through the night, only waking up when Sal came knocking at noon the next day.

"You never came back last night" Sal said, looking confused at Billy. "Was worried you were picked up by the cops."

"Oh, no, I ended up staying over." Billy awkwardly replied, cheeks flushing. "He fell asleep but I didn't wanna leave him here alone.. uh.. cause yknow he might... freak out?"

Sal just smirked as he crossed his arms and leaned his weight to one leg. "Billy you're a terrible liar."


"That is true though, I fell asleep and he stayed here." Albert chimed in, still half asleep on the couch.

"Just don't kill 'em, Billy." Sal smiled and left, leaving the two alone again.

There was a short silence, slightly uncomfortable as Billy stood awkwardly in the kitchen, fidgeting with his fingers.

"Why did you stay?" Albert finally asked.

"I just... wanted to. I don't really know why."

Albert nodded and stood, walking to the kitchen. He kissed Billy's cheek, smirking when the hitman's breath hitched. "You want some breakfast," Albert left a very short pause for dramatic effect. "Babe?"

BloodMoney Oneshots (Billy X Weasel)Where stories live. Discover now