S2 E8: Su-zakana

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Companion Song: "My Body is a Cage" by Arcade Fire

My body is a cage

That keeps me from dancing with the one I love

But my mind holds the key...

I'm standing on a stage

Of fear and self-doubt

It's a hollow play

But they'll clap anyway...

You're standing next to me

My mind holds the key

I'm living in an age

That calls darkness light

Though my language is dead

Still the shapes fill my head

I'm living in an age

Whose name I don't know

Though the fear keeps me moving

Still my heart beats so slow

My body is a cage

We take what we're given

Just because you've forgotten

That don't mean you're forgiven

I'm living in an age that

Screams my name at night

But when I get to the doorway

There's no one in sight

I'm living in an age

They laugh when I'm dancing with the one I love

But my mind holds the key

You're standing next to me

My mind holds the key

Set my spirit free"

This "cut unscene" takes place a couple of hours after Hannibal and Will see a social worker climb out of a horse. Hannibal prevents Will from killing Ingram in Peter's name. In one of the greatest shipping moments of the series, Hannibal puts his hand on Will's face and says, "For all my knowledge and intrusion, I could never entirely predict you. I can feed a caterpillar and I can whisper through the chrysalis, but what hatches follows its own nature and is beyond me."

Statements taken.

Lies told.

The man birthed from a horse locked in shackles and borne away in the back of Jack's SUV, raving about how Hannibal and Will were the crazy ones, and he was the real victim. Jack's face was stony and merciless, his eyes pure fury as he glanced at Will in the side mirror before taking off. No one was going to listen to a man accused of killing sixteen women and leaving them in shallow graves. Will well knew that it didn't matter if Ingram had been convicted of the crime yet or not.

Slowly, the red and blue lights died out. Peter Bernadone sat in the back of an ambulance, a blanket around his narrow, hunched shoulders. A gray cat with luminous yellow eyes perched in his lap, affectionate but vigilant.

Hannigram: Cuts Unscene -- Season 2Where stories live. Discover now