S2 E5: Mukōzuke

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Companion Song: "You And Whose Army?" – Radiohead

"Come on, come on

You think you drive me crazy

Come on, come on

You and whose army?

You and your cronies

Come on, come on

Holy Roman empire

Come on if you think

Come on if you think

You can take us on

You can take us on

You and whose army?

You and your cronies

You forget so easily

We ride tonight

We ride tonight

Ghost horses

Ghost horses"

Chilton inadvertently helps Will regain memories of Hannibal inducing seizures and helping his encephalitis along. After, Chilton confronts Hannibal with the discovery of his "unorthodox methods'' and is basically like, "I'm Will's only doctor now, and apparently I'm not the only one who can be accused of driving a patient to kill!" He seems pretty happy about that and says "we need to stick together." Later, Will uncovers another memory – that Abel Gideon was at Hannibal's house the night Will had his "mild seizure." He convinces Chilton to bring Abel back to the Baltimore State Hospital so he can try to get Abel to snitch on Hannibal. Hannibal catches Beverly snooping around his house and kills her, leaving her to be found in the old observatory. Will is brought to the crime scene to interpret the evidence, which in his mind again points to Hannibal. Chilton meets with Will and asks him what he and Beverly talked about last time they met. Will says, "You talked to Hannibal about my therapy, despite our agreement" to which Chilton says, "I gave him a preview of what was to come." Will responds with "I have appearances to maintain." He doesn't want Hannibal to know that he was the one who cut off their doctor-patient relationship and would rather have Chilton be the buffer. Later, Will and Abel Gideon meet again and Will asks Abel to tell his story. Abel essentially says "Hard pass!" He doesn't wanna get murdered too! This scene occurs that evening after Will and Abel have their little cage-room chit-chat.

Abel Gideon snored. He snored like he was not only sawing logs, but pulverizing them into pulp to be made into paper, then mashing up and recycling said paper.

Will didn't care. He didn't want to sleep. Sleep meant dreaming, and dreaming meant Beverly.

Even now, awake – allegedly, he thought darkly – he could see her standing in the hall just beyond the bars, a raven-haired specter, so detailed he could see the dim light of the fluorescents glinting off of her maroon leather jacket. That jacket, her favorite one – she wore it constantly. It was ruined now, sliced up into sections, though the Chesapeake Ripper had left it half-intact on the largest portion of her, a fitting burial shroud.

"Not the Chesapeake Ripper," Will whispered into his knees as he hid his face from Beverly's phantom. He was curled up on his bunk, sitting like a little kid with his legs up, resting his head, arms wrapped around his shins. "You know his name."

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