Chapter 18

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Dipper pov:

When I woke up the next morning I pushed up off Bill and felt a sharp pain in my hips down. I let out a small hiss and tried to stand, I gripped the bed beam for support and softly groaned in pain. Bill yawned and got up.

"Good morning Bill." I said trying to hold in the groans.

"Here, let me help you." He said and he did, He helped me get dressed and walk to the bathroom.

I was cuddling with Bill when Mabel stormed in, fuming.

"Cipher." She seethed at Bill. "Yes?" He replied calmly, moving his attention back to me when I hissed in pain.

"Why is Dipper in pain." She said, glaring at Bill. "We had a little too much fun last night." He retorted, glaring back at Mabel.

I turned over and nuzzled in to Bill's chest despite the pain I was in. He looked down at me, He looked a little worried. "Honey try not to move a lot." He said softly. "Give it up Cipher, We both know you don't really give a damn about Dipper."

I held him gently, He did care about me. He was always the first one by my side when I was in pain. "Y'know Shooting star, You're a bitch. You don't give a fuck about your own brothers happiness, only your own. Think about how many times Dipper gave something up so you could have summer flings."

I softly pressed my fingers against his face, pulling him down for a kiss. Mabel scoffed. "I think we know thats not true. Right Dipper?" She said angry. I looked away from both of them, Not wanting to be involved.

"How about this, I won't fight you for Dipper's sake.  I want him to be comfortable here and have his sister with him." Bill said giving me a small smile. I smiled back but Mabel let out a chuckle.

"No. We're going to fight if I want to fight." I rolled my eyes. "Mabel, Bill is at least trying to get along with you. Please try to do the same." I said and Mabel turned red with anger.

"So you're going to take some demons side instead of your own sisters? Wow you really are an asshole." She said as she walked out slamming our door.

I cried myself to sleep that night.

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