Chapter 60

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Wedding eve night
Chloe pulled up 15 minutes early to pick me up for my bachelorette party at the hotel. She did this on purpose, I haven't seen Gavin all week. I feel starved of him. I just wanted a kiss or glimpse of him before tomorrow but I guess I'll gave to wait another night. Sighing I stand up from the porch and grab my overnight bag and make my way to her car. The girls are waiting at the hotel as we speak so as we head there we talk about what tonight entails. "Ok, so we will all get a  massage then facials before we head down to the bar. Tonight is karaoke night." She says winking at me, rolling my eyes I know what she wants me to do. We used to go karaokeing during our summers together, as a way to pass the time on Friday nights while everyone else was at a party. We loved teen nights at the local bars around her house. They knew us and always gave us drinks with little umbrellas to make us feel older. As we pull into the hotel valet parking, my door is opened and a hand reaches out for me. I slide my hand in it to find Lee standing there. I invited her but she told me she had already made other plans but I would see her tomorrow when she came to get dressed so seeing her here now, my face is full of shock. "Lee!" I scream as I pull her into a hug. "Hey B, sorry I lied I had a little thing I had to do before tomorrow but surprise" she says as she throws her hands up in the air while laughing. Shaking my head at her I look back to Chloe to see her smiling as she grabs our bags out of the backseat. "I got it ma'am" the bell boy says. As we make our way into the hotel to check in I see Erica and Crystal sitting in the lobby. When I told them I was pregnant to say they were shocked to the core would be an understatement.
As we sit in my room after finishing our group project for chemistry, I glance at my friends an decided now would be a good time to tell them before I get to big and they notice. With a deep breathe I pull them to sit on my bed. "Girls, I have something to tell you both" I say as I look at them. Confusion laces both faces as they look at me, getting nervous I stand up and start pacing the room. "I'm pregnant" I say quickly before I lost my nerve. I stop pacing and look at them when nothing is said. Both sets of eyes wide as saucers as the look at me with disbelief.  "Wait, virgin Bryn is pregnant?" Crystal says and I scoff at her statement. Yes, I was a virgin but I didn't want to give it to just anyone like everyone else, besides the one boyfriend I had clearly wasn't worthy seeing as how he cheated on me. "Yes, I am. Almost 3 months now" I say as I lift my shirt to show them my slight bump on my belly. Rubbing it a smile makes it's way unto my face. "So, your pregnant, oh my god is that why your getting married?" Erica says harshly. Jeez some friends I have, thinking the worst. "What, no." I say defensively."We got engaged in New York. We just found out I was pregnant a couple weeks ago. I thought I caught something in New York and was getting sick, but turns out I'm just knocked up" I say with a small laugh trying to lighten the mind. They looks at each other before they rush to me and wrap me in a hug. "Oh my god, I'm so happy for you" Erica says as Crystal nods her head. "Really?" I say suspiciously, they were just putting me down now they're lifting me up. They're so confusing. "Yes, we wanted to make sure your getting married because you love him not because you think you have to" Crystal says. Laughing at her statement because it reminded me of what my father said. "You sound just like my dad" I tell her. They both laugh and hug me tighter.
End of flashback
Both scream as they make their way to us. Hugging each of them, they pull away to rub my belly. "Hey baby girl" they both say to her as we stand in the lobby as people are watching us. My face heats up and Chloe notices as she pulls me away and we head to the front desk. "Come on, girls let's get checked in" she says as I smile at her. She knows me so well. Gavin's mom will be by later on before we go to the bar to bring our dresses. We have a busy day tomorrow our nail and hair appointments are in the early morning. When we get back to hotel the makeup artist will arrive to get started. We should leave here and arrive at the house at 5pm tomorrow evening, with an hour to spare before the ceremony. After checking in we head up to our room, we got the bridal suite which includes 5 rooms as well as 3 bathrooms. It's basically the whole side of the floor. We each choose a room and decide to freshen up before we get lunch and go to the spa.

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