Pre-Twilight: Chapter Thirty-Four

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I couldn't move or say anything. Anna moved and held me, and my dad just sat in a chair with complete disbelief on his face.

After what seemed like forever, Jasper came back in. No change in his expression. He sat right next to me, grabbing my hand and kissing it. No one said anything.

After another few minutes, there was a knock on the door, and in walked another doctor. Guessing she's the OBGYN on call.

"Hello, Janetta." She greets me. "I'm Dr. James. I'm here to discuss your injury." I tried to sit up a little more. "I want to give my condolences for the loss of your baby." A tear finally slipped down my face.

"What happened?" Jasper asked. The first time he said something.

"We did everything we could. There was a tiny heartbeat, but we were unable to keep it. There was too much damage on the lower half of your body."

"Heartbeat?" I questioned. "Y-You heard her heartbeat?" My heart felt like it shattered into a million pieces. A few more tears follow the first one.

"Yes." She said gently. More tears started falling. "I'm so sorry." I got in her head. She was remembering the heartbeat. It was beautiful. My baby had a beautiful heartbeat.

I laid there silent. I didn't know what to do or say. I'm trying so hard to keep the rest of the tears in. I looked over at Jasper, and he was looking at me. Emotion is finally showing. Despair. Sadness. Grief. Slight anger.

"There was extensive damage to your uterus. We did the best we could to try and fix it."

"What does this mean?" Dad asked.

"There's a 99% chance you will never be able to conceive again." My heart stopped for a moment. 99%? "There was just too much damage. The impact of the car was focused on that area of the body." I've heard enough.

"I-I need some time to take all this in." I manage to say, a wave of tears threatening to flow out.

"Of course. I will come to visit you tomorrow morning."

She left the room, and I finally broke down. Anna was still holding me, but I felt a shift. Jasper crawled into the bed next to me and held me. This went on for a few minutes.

"We'll step out and give you two some time to process." My dad says. He wraps an arm around Anna and guides her out.

"She had a heartbeat!" I whispered loudly, tears flowing.

I look up at him. "We made a baby. T-The weeks don't match up. T-Twelve weeks ago, I was just getting to know you. I wasn't with anyone, I swear!" I was terrified that he would think I was with someone else.

"I'm not worried about that baby." He says, calming me instantly. I think he was personally calming me down. I don't care. "I called Carlisle. He's on the way over now. Alice and Rose are tagging along. They will stay outside as long as you want."

That made me cry harder. I never considered the idea that I would ever be able to have kids with him. Knowing my body could conceive with him, by some miracle, and now that will never happen again. That's what's killing me.

The sobs start up again. I grab onto Jasper. More like clinging. If he could cry, he'd be crying too. He kept whispering I'm sorry over and over. He holds me tighter and continues to let me cry on him. I know I was staining his shirt with tears, but I don't care, and I know he doesn't either.

"I-I never thought I'd be able to give you a baby. I-I know we barely talked about it." I try to take deep breaths, but every time, I fail. "How was this possible?"

"I have no clue." He says. His head perks up a little. "They're here." I sniffle, trying to stop crying.

"They can come in." They heard that and came in softly. I was holding it together until I saw Rose's face. And the sobs started back up.

Alice and Rose came right over, hugging me. Alice kept kissing my forehead, and Rose was holding me tight.

Tears falling, I looked up at them and whispered, "She had a heartbeat." Their faces fell. I cried in their arms while Jasper got up to talk to Carlisle. I know he was asking Carlisle how this could've been possible.

I pulled away and looked at him. "Do you know anything about this?" I asked him.

"No. I've heard stories about vampires and humans having children, but I assumed they were just stories." He responded. Stories always come from some truth.

"He said I was 12 weeks. Jasper and I didn't have sex until our Rio trip. How is that possible?" I asked, not caring if it was too much information regarding our sex life.

"That is an absolute mystery to me." He says. He comes over to me, hugs me, and kisses my head. "I'm going to research this to be able to give you some kind of answers." I nod, and he leaves, Jasper saying thank you and returning to me.

I turned and looked at Alice and Rose. "I'm exhausted. Can you all come back later?" I asked.

"Of course, Netta," Alice responds. Rose does the same. They both give me hugs and kisses and leave the room.

I lay in my bed, staring at the ceiling—a million different scenarios of what we could've had with this baby. It's like my body was temporarily frozen, and my mind was blocking out the world. After a while, I could hear Jasper softly calling my name over and over, but it was like background noise to me. It isn't until I snap out of it do I realize I'm crying again. I turn and look at him.

"Can we take a nap?" I ask, dazed. This is our thing. I call it us taking a nap, but it's just me while he holds me.

"Of course, darling. Anything you want." He crawls into the bed and holds me. "I will give you anything you want. Always."

As I start getting sleepy, I whisper his name. "Please don't leave me. You're all I will ever need."

"I vow right now never to leave you. If you wanted me to, I'd never leave your side." He kisses me softly on the lips.

"Did you ever want kids in your life?" I asked him.

"Not until I met you." He replied. I looked up at him, tears forming again.

"I'm sorry," I said. Over and over again. The tears started flowing again. I suddenly felt a wave of calmness and sleepiness fall over me. "Thank you," I told him before falling asleep in his arms.

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