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i really like hearts if you couldn't tell

basically just everyone's opinions on kokichi rn

gonta stared at the ceiling, in thought.
he didn't do that much, but when he did, it was usually important.

he didn't know what to do or how to act on this,


gonta liked kokichi despite his lying and brutal side to him. he was fun to be around despite all of that.
but he..he didn't know what to do. kokichi had gotten him killed, manipulated him.

it was just a VR right? so why was he so caught up on this?

he wanted to be friends with him. but half of him didn't. ... maybe he just had to know the boy a little more before deciding this. gonta realized he never really opened up to him.

gonta still saw him as a friend. just his level of trust was kicking him in the butt.

kokichi sneezed.

“someone's got my name in their head or mouth.” he thought.


maki slowly walked past the little liar's room, debating something.

she sighed and decided against it, and fastened her pace. fuck him.

miu felt conflicted.
she .. she felt bad. but at the same time, she didn't.  her mind felt like it was going to explode any second.

she felt bad, yeah.
but she was also confused, did kokichi feel bad? he didn't want to talk to her, making her even more confused.
she stared forward at the picture that was on everybody's calendar. it was a picture of everyone from the game, and kokichi had jumped just before the picture was took, his face full of glee.

she frowned. she did miss seeing that happiness, whether it was real or fake. she just wanted to see another smile from him.
he was sorta like a brother to him, always fighting but even so, had their fair share of wholesome moments.
→ she forgave kokichi, she wanted to be friends with him, but that was the question.

did he?

rantaro didn't think much of kokichi, to be fair, he never really knew him that well to begin with.
well, in game that is.

but, he did know that he deserved happiness just as much as the rest of them did.
I mean come on, he was an antagonist.
we all know antagonists usually go through the worst.

even so, he just wanted to be friends with, he didn't really care what the "risks" were.
even with the short time they knew eachother, he still somehow felt like a brother to him in a way.
korekiyo was..okay? with kokichi. he had no bad view of him, nor a good one. he didn't really care about all of that, to be honest. if he became friends with him, he became friends with him. nothing mattered to him. it was all fake anyway, so why would he still have a bad view on him, he wanted to ask maki that, but he couldn't be bothered to fuck with all the drama that would come along with that question.

in the end, he just wanted friends.
he never really had that before because of his weird persona in the game. but boy, was he glad, that his "sister" wasn't real.
tsumigi just wanted to start over with EVERYBODY. well obviously, she was the mastermind of a killing game.
angie liked kokichi, he was fun to be around, liar or not, bad person or not, she was fond of him.
she was really angry sometimes when someone talked bad about him, it was a GAME for sake, she was so angry that sometimes she almost..she almost cursed.
and that wasn't good.
she bit her tongue.
kaito missed kokichi, to be honest.
it was all a game right?
plus, after kokichi told him about what he was planning, he instantly forgave him. even if he didn't say it verbally, he was sure he did.

he was just worried about maki .. and,, shuichi.
kirumi was,, fond of kokichi.
she was okay with him.
she found him annoying sometimes, but she didn't mind his presence. she knew deep down, he cared about all of them, even if he wouldn't admit it.

"fuck men!!"
(what were you expecting?)
himiko had mixed feelings about this, to be honest.
she wanted to be nice to kokichi, but at the same time, she didn't.

all this thinking is making her tired.

he didn't really,, know him. he just knew he deserved more than what he was getting.

kiibo was okay with kokichi, he 'for gave' him. he just wasn't okay with all the robophobic remarks.

speaking of those remarks, he's gonna tell him to say sorry when he sees him again!

(you better, kiibo!!)

it was really the same with rantaro, but she was also sort of, ang..ry?..at him, once she was told all he did.

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