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hi how are you


"we're gonna get you some food."

"i'm not hungry."

"your stomach literally roared at me as I tested you, i'm just as much of a lie detector as you are."

"anyways, so...because of the after effects, I have to give you a blanket because your body temperature is irregularly low..."

"also don't lie."

"I wanna new doctor. it's not fun when you can tell i'm lying."

"that's literally why i'm your doctor in the first place."

"well, I guess you are a good doctor for me."

"how so?"

"you don't hold back on me. you don't pity me and shit, it's pretty annoying when people do that."

"I don't because know how that feels, it is annoying. just imagine how I felt when people found I was depressed, suicidal and also mentally ill!! shocker right?"

"I wonder how people reacted to me after I died," kokichi suddenly said.

"well, you woke up a week after everyone else did. the people who were worried were angie,  kaede, kaito, rantaro, gonta, stubborn miu, and shuichi."

"hold on, go back. kaito?"

"uhuh? why are you confused?"

"bro he kinda....no he hated my GUTS. along with his super secret girlfriend, I basically died because of her, but don't tell her I told you that."

"oh wow. he said he missed you,"

"swear to god."


"......your lying."

"ugh. you're annoying." nagito scrunched his face at him.

"aw shucks, I try."

"this is why you can't walk."

"if I walk it off, I can. my body hurts you ass."

"fuck you."

"keep saying that and i'm gonna tell hajime your being mean to me."

"you wouldn't."

"I got someone killed someone with no hesitation."


"your fun to be around."

"not really,"

"you are. to me."

"yeah to you. I mean damn, I hate being around myself."

"mood. you can't hate yourself though,"

"and why not."

"because that isn't fair. you won't let me hate myself, so you can't hate yourself."


"oh yeah, by the way,"

"wait where the hell did hajime go?" he got up and peeked his head out the room.

"...hajime? are you —"

".....never mind.." he closes the door.

"anyways, so like a birdie may have let it slipped that we may or may not be super secret cousins..."

"I have to be cousins with a guy with weird hair?"

"your shit is defying gravity. get off my ass."


enemies to lovers shit  · saiou (discontinued)Where stories live. Discover now