𝒞𝒽𝒶𝓅𝓉𝑒𝓇 𝟨

Start from the beginning

Ariana was debating whether or not to tell her Head of House about the letter in her locket. Would McGonagall be mad that a criminal sent her a letter and yet she didn't do anything about it? 

She decided to tell her the truth, since she knew McGonagall wasn't going to drop it, and Ariana could not come up with a good enough excuse for this.

"When we were in Diagon Alley to buy our school supplies a few days ago..." Ariana trailed off a bit at the last sentence.

McGonagall's expression just made Ariana stop talking. She knew her professor would react greatly, and she reconsidered the truth. She had to make a damn good excuse, and she had to make it very damn quickly.

McGonagall abruptly stopped walking and Ariana nearly tripped over her robes.

Straightening up, she reached for the long hair that hung behind her back, twirling it on her finger, a nervous habit.

"Um, I saw a poster of Sirius Black. I didn't really know much about him, and there was this wizard who stumbled out of Knockturn Alley and began telling me about Black," she lied. "He -- er, mentioned something about Black's ancestors teaching another ancient family about true persona and stuff like that. He mentioned my name. 'Sagewood', I mean."

McGonagall opened her mouth to say something but Ariana continued, "Before you ask, I have absolutely no idea who the wizard was, he did not know much about me either. And I also just randomly said Sirius Black in front of you, I had no proof whatsoever but your reaction was all the answer I needed."

"You need to be careful." McGonagall finally said.

"Is that all?"

"Just, be aware of your surroundings. If you ever see that wizard again, inform me immediately." She said sternly.

"Professor, I promise I will do all that." Ariana was so shocked that McGonagall actually believed her. She felt a pang of guilt in her chest as she looked at her professor and Head of House.

"Ariana? Professor?" 

The two looked up to see Cedric Diggory walking towards them. Or the Great Hall, which they were in front of.

"Mr. Diggory. Why aren't you in class?" McGonagall asked.

"I have a free period, Professor. Same as you, Sagewood?"

"Um, no, actually, Professor McGonagall just wanted to speak to me about something." Ariana smiled.

"I will leave you to it, Ariana." McGonagall nodded, sweeping her emerald cloak along the end of the corridor. She paused at the end. "Do me a small favour. Don't go to Hogsmeade  the first weekend. Just let me observe how things are, and then feel free to go next time."

Ariana looked crestfallen, but their was no point arguing after hearing McGonagall's voice tone.

Cedric and Ariana stood staring at each other for a minute in awkward silence. "Thanks again for you help last night," Ariana said, breaking it.

"You're welcome," Cedric smiled. "Anything to prevent the death of my favourite Gryffindor."

Ariana laughed before clearing her throat and asking, "What time is it?"

Cedric checked his watch. "9:22, why?"

"Oh shit, McGonagall didn't sign a note for missing half the class!" Ariana exclaimed before taking off towards the greenhouses, yelling a goodbye to Cedric over her shoulder.

A few minutes later, Ariana was panting in front of Greenhouse One. She opened the door and stumbled in.

"I am...so, so...sorry...Professor! Professor McGonagall...she needed...to speak to me..." She gasped between breaths.

𝓛𝑜𝓋𝑒𝓇 (𝒞𝑒𝒹𝓇𝒾𝒸 𝒟𝒾𝑔𝑔𝑜𝓇𝓎)Where stories live. Discover now