"Hey," says Nicky from the doorway when Dan pulls it open. "Cohen in there?" Daisy leans around Allison to stare at Nicky. "Uh, we got pizza, they sent us a vegan one by accident."

"Cool," replies Daisy.

"What I'm saying is, like, do you wanna come have pizza with us? It'll just get tossed if nobody eats it, and none of us are sick in the head enough to want a Hawaiian."

She looks down at the oversized Fox hoodie coating her figure, her hair scraped into a misshapen bun atop her head. "Not really?" But Nicky's eyes seem desperate, and he wouldn't be asking her if it wasn't for a reason. He's the only one in that room who seems to like her, and an inkling of curiosity breaks through her wall of bleakness. "Actually, I haven't eaten since breakfast."

"We have food," Dan says, turning to face Daisy. They have a silent conversation: Daisy's eyes say 'this means something to them, I need to find out what' and Dan's eyes reply, 'they're going to fucking indoctrinate you into their weird Andrew-worship-cult and we'll lose you for good this time!'. Daisy wins when Dan finally blinks and looks away. She crosses the room and follows Nicky out, much to the protest of Allison's call of 'but we just put in Legally Blonde!'. Nicky gives her a grateful smile, but she touches his shoulder just as he goes to open his door.

"What's this about?"

She sees right through his innocent, "What?" and scowls. "Look, Andrew asked me to invite you over. I don't know why. He ordered you a special pizza and everything."

Daisy's stomach drops. "What-- why the hell would he do that?"

Nicky shrugs. "Beats me. I don't even know how he knows your pizza order."

Do you know who does know Daisy's pizza order? You guessed correctly. The one person who's been making her life hell since she got back.

"Cohen's here, be decent," Nicky announces as they enter. Her long legs stride across the room to where Andrew sits on his desk, smoking out of the window that he'd long since moved the mesh screen from.

"What the fuck is this all about?" she asks, jabbing a finger at him. He grabs her wrist in an instant, squeezing so tightly her fingers go numb.

"I don't know what you're talking about, Margaret," he grins at her. It's sick, she thinks, the constant psychosis he lives in. Everybody knows of her deep disapproval for his medication. She thinks it's one of the reasons he didn't kill her when she got close to Kevin before everything happened. "Pizza's on the counter. Those darn delivery drivers and their ignorance," he says, shaking his fist at the sky. "Some poor soul is starving right now, literally disintegrating without their sick cultural assassination of both islander and Italian cultures--"

"Yeah, we get it," Daisy grumbles. Sure enough, there's a Hawaiian pizza with 'VEG' scribbled on top of the box in the kitchen. She analyses it for a moment, looking for any sign that it had been tampered with. But it seems fine.

"Hey, Mags," Andrew calls after she takes a first tentative bite. "Check on Day for me, will you? I think he might have hung himself with his own jersey, he's been awfully quiet for a while."

Daisy grits her teeth, holding in every urge to knock the pint-sized motherfucker out of the window he smokes through. "Sure," she hisses, crossing the room. She doesn't even bother to knock, just slams the door open and stares at him. "He's alive," she announces.

But, is he? He sits on his bunk, knees crossed into his chest and staring at a page in a book propped up at the foot of his bed. In the few minutes she stands analysing him, he doesn't move an inch or turn the page. With a deep sigh, she steps into the room and closes the door behind her. Kevin's face finally moves, lifting to look straight at her.

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