◦•●◉✿ Shri Krishna in Kaliyuga ✿◉●•◦

Start from the beginning

You shouldn't flirt with another man when you have a boyfriend." Krishna stated with a smile and the girl's playful demeanour vanished, her beautiful face was now adorned by a scowl of disgust.

That scum bag can die for all I care, I know for sure that he must be sucking some witch's face by now . Wait!! How do you know about that scum bag? " She suspiciously gazed at Krishna and he chuckled softly.

Oh!! I know everything. Thought the Almighty with a lopsided grin.

Oh!! No need to worry, I am not a stalker of yours,I just saw you entering the club with a man and you both looked too close and that brought me to the conclusion that he is your boyfriend." Krishna did not lie as he knew all of this. The girl hummed and successfully removed her gaze from Krishna which according to her has to be the toughest job.

She simply sipped her dirty Martini and Krishna stared at her with a blank look. She upon noticing his stare sneered at him.

What? Are you those kind of stereotypes who think that girls shouldn't drink? " She questioned with a stoic expression, however her eyes dared him to say yes. Krishna mentally chuckled at her attempts to intimidate him. Oh!! How these people's reactions entertained him like no other.

I don't have any problem with you drinking alcohol neither did I ever differentiate between male,female or any other creature in this world. What I don't understand is why are you committing suicide?.... Hey!!Why are you glaring at me? Am I not saying the truth? Alcohol is injurious to health isn't it? You can die from it too. Even after knowing this, you all are drinking it, so this can easily qualify as suicide, a little slow and painful one though." Krishna nonchalantly stated and that girl rolled her eyes at him.

"Hello Mr !! Take your philosophy somewhere else, this is a club everyone is drinking here apart from you and some people like you. Also why did you ask me if I am happy now?" The girl curiously inquired him,her eyebrows furrowed together in question. Whereas Krishna's lips twitched in a slight smile after hearing her question.

"Adhvika Mahajan is out of your life Shravya, she is missing or maybe she is dea-"

"STOP!! I DARE YOU TO COMPLETE THAT WORD!! ADHVIKA IS FINE YOU GOT IT, SHE IS ABSOLUTELY FINE!! YES SHE IS ALRIGHT NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO HER." Shravya aggressively snapped at Krishna while pointing a finger at him, Her yelling was thankfully heard by none as the loud music overpowered her voice and also because they were sitting in a secluded spot.

Shravya was enraged by Krishna's words, she threw a menacing glare at his direction,her jaw clenched and her fists tightened on the cocktail glass causing few drops of her Martini to spill on the table.

(Shravya- Shakuni's Reincarnation according to The Great Adhvika Mahajan 😅)

"You seem to be deeply concerned about your Archenemy Ms Shravya." Krishna purposely tried to rile her up and that's what happened,as she snarled at him with a threatening glare.

"I never considered her as my enemy, she might think of me as her nemesis or Archenemy or whatever. She may not consider me as her bestfriend anymore, but I have always believed that she is my bestfriend and she always will be my bestfriend. So yes, I am bound to be concerned about her, and are you a part of the new searching team that Dev bhai hired for searching Adhu? " Shravya inquired him while narrowing her eyes at him in suspicion.

Krishna on the other hand wanted to burst out laughing at the change of her demeanour, few minutes ago this girl was flirting with him and now she is trying to kill him with her laser like eyes.

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