I was in such awe that when I looked up at her face I saw that she was starting to get nervous. "You look absolutely beautiful my love." She blushed and looked away.

She picked up her phone and took it to the bathroom. She started brushing her teeth and when she brushed her tongue she didn't even gag.

Oh to be that toothbrush!

I tried to stop my dirty mind as I watched her spit out the toothpaste and wipe her mouth. -yup so not helping!

She started to do her makeup which was just mascara and lip balm. She looked in the mirror and smiled. "You are stunning." She looked down and gave me a small smile.

She had to leave so she hung up the phone but not before saying. "Bye, babe!" The nickname made my stomach flip.

Once she hung up and I rolled over and sadly got up to start the day.

Athena's pov

I ran downstairs and my dad was by the door. "You all ready butterfly?!" I nodded and he opened the door for me.

On the way to school, we were listening to the radio when the song 'Butterfly repose' came on making me look over to my dad.

He glanced over at me and held my hand while nodding. It was like he read my mind. "She is always with you butterfly, never forget that." I nodded and looked out the window.

He parked in a parking spot and leaned over to give me a kiss on my forehead. "Okay I work tonight but I will be home tomorrow night okay?" I nodded and smiled while getting out of the car.

Before I closed the door he and I both said "I love you." At the same time making me laugh.

I walked into school and saw Amirah grabbing her books while talking to Dominic. I walked up behind her and jumped on her.

She didn't even flinch making me frown. "Good morning Athena." She looked over her shoulder and smiled at me.

I smiled back and kissed her cheek. I looked over at Dominic to see him looking at Demarcus.

I sighed and grabbed his arm. "Go talk to him! Please?!" I gave him my doe eyes and he sighed.

He walked over to him and I hide behind Amirah. She rolled her eyes and laughed. I peeked over her shoulder to see Demarcus handing over a folded-up paper as Dominic grabbed it with a shaky hand.

Dominic walked over and I saw a light blush on his dark cheeks. "Thank you for the push! I got his number!" I squealed and Amirah held me down.

We all laughed as we walked to our classes. I held Dominic's arm as he told me all of his years of living in New York.

I told him how I wanted to go to New York and he told me which places to go if I ever get the chance.

We got to class and sat in the back. I was taking down notes when my phone buzzed. I looked around before taking it out of my pocket.

I looked down and smiled at the sweet text.

Kahli/aka bf👀: Found these and thought of you.

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