Chapter 21: Steps

Começar do início

Before the Infante could respond, the Prince of Wales arrived. He saw his wife walking with the Spanish prince, taking a step at a time. Charles rushed to her side. He nodded to Philip and thanked him. Then proclaimed, "I've got it from here."

Taking her hand, the Prince began speaking to his wife. "Paisley told me how you hurt your knee. I am upset about that. When we get back to our room, I'll send for the physician to check it."

The pair began the ascent of the stairs, one at a time. This pace will not do because they're going too slow. At this rate, one step at a time, they'll reach the top by time for dinner. So, Charles did what he would do if they were at home. "Hold on to me," he instructed. Picking his wife up, he carried her away to their suite.

She let out a peal of laughter when he scooped her up. Peering over her husband's shoulder, she could see the Infante staring at them. There's something in his eyes that she doesn't like either. Turning her head away, she placed a peck on Charles's neck.

As she settled in his arms, she teased him. "I think you enjoy carrying me about, displaying your strength."

He chuckled. "No, I don't. You're a bit heavier than you used to be." He pretended by sinking to the ground and standing up with a loud groan. The Princess squealed, thinking he would drop her.

Mary's hand swatted his shoulder. "Of all the nerve! That's a horrible thing to say to your wife," she exclaimed with an exuberant voice.

It only made him laugh. When he regained his composure, he told his sweetheart, "And now my shoulder aches from your vicious hit. Oh, my poor pained back, arms, legs, and shoulder. Maybe I'm the one who needs the doctor."

She clicked her tongue and said, "You horrid man." A smile rested on her face. He held her tight and thought nothing of carrying her because his wife is slight, despite having three children.

When they arrived in their suite, he deposited Mary onto the sofa. Then Charles dragged an armchair over and had her prop her leg in it for added comfort. Once her leg was to his liking, he spoke to a servant about fetching the doctor.

Finally, he plopped himself down beside his princess. Running a hand through his hair, he angled himself to see her better. His eyes scanned over her, noticing a grimace when she moved the leg with the sore knee. Since she can walk, it's not broken, but it's most likely sprained or a torn muscle. However the reason why this happened is bothering him. Shaking his head, he inquired about this. "Why did the Infanta push you down? Did something happen before that?"

Mary tried to make herself comfortable but gave up in vain. She let out a sigh of frustration. "Yes, something did happen. She elbowed me, and I landed on my side."

He stared in disbelief. "So you're telling me the Spanish princess was deliberately mean to you. That doesn't make any sense." He raised a hand to keep her from speaking. "I'm not blaming you. You're not the one I'm wondering about here. I know your character, and you would never mistreat any person. But I don't understand. Why did the Infanta do that if you didn't do anything to instigate it? Is there something you're not telling me?" His blue eyes stared her down.

By way of response, Mary picked at the silk of her dress. With a huff, she said, "Oh, Charles!" She turned her head to look at the sunshine streaming in from the window. She fumed at his persistence. "Fine! The Infanta injured me because she's a jealous, big-chested harpy. Like every other woman in England, she hates that I'm married to you--- the most handsome man in creation."

Before he could press her further, the palace physician arrived. The agile doctor got straight to work examining her knee. He muttered something in Spanish that neither the Prince nor Princess caught. Knowing Mary wouldn't tell the man about her elbow, Charles asked him to look it over as well. The doctor poked and prodded and made Her Highness wince.

The Pearl of Great Price Part IIOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora