[45]"Do you know where you are?"

Start from the beginning

Tony walked into Bruce's lab and closed the door. "I thought you said the security was up and running again?!"
"I-it is why!"
"She was inside the fence! It was locked and she was inside! She hasn't been wondering the grounds for the last 30 hours so how the hell did she get in?!"
Bruce went silent. It hadn't occurred to him, he was just focused on looking for injuries.
He turned on the nearest computer and started looking through. "It says everything's fine! Look! There's been no activity".

Tony leant forward and brushed a hand over his face. "Check the cameras again".
A couple of seconds later Bruce let out a sigh.
"What is it?!"
"The same as last time. Everything's fine but there is no footage for thirteen minutes around the time FRIDAY told us she was back".
Tony scrambled to another computer and typed furiously. "WHAT THE HELL! No one can hack into my server like that without leaving a trace!"

Bruce looked up slowly, "I almost forgot... I have something to tell you to".
"Can't it wait?!" Replied Tony angrily.
"Actually no".
That made Tony look up, it wasn't often Bruce seemed so sure about something so he followed the man to the back of the room and up to a giant, dust covered machine.
"What even is that thing?" He asked.

Bruce started turning it back on, "it's an old DNA scanner. It hasn't been used for a long time but when I came up to get peters medicine I noticed it was flashing. And this is what it said..."
The screen switched on and Tony gaped at it.
"I'm assuming it wasn't you then" Bruce stated.
"No it wasn't me! I had no idea. Who did this then?"
"Well I don't think it was the twins. They're not allowed in here and I'm pretty sure they don't know how to use this machine. Peter and y/n probably would... and also Sarah".

"How would she know and the twins wouldn't?" Tony asked confused.
"She's really smart. Like almost y/n smart. And she's really good with computers, she can do stuff even I don't know about. And if this is true. If she really is related to Wanda. That would mean Pietro is Sarah's dad".

Tony struggled to keep up with the information. "Maybe Wanda has another sibling?"
"Yea I doubt that or she would have mentioned it to us at some point".
Tony knew he was right but there was a lot going on. "Wait she's good with computers?"
"Yea, why?"
"Wanda said there were people after her and Pietro right? What if he ran away and had a kid and they got caught. What if Sarah was sent to befriend these kids to get to them or us?! She's good with computers, is she good enough to do this?! What if she's the one hacking into my system?!"

Tony started to panic slightly, "we need to talk to her now!"

They walked down the hallways trying to find her when they came across all the kids and Clint moving stuff into the medbay.
"What's going on?" Asked Tony as he moved out of peters way seeing he was carrying a tv.
"We're making it more comfortable for y/n" said Lila happily, "don't worry, we've made sure nothings in the way.

"Oh... well we need to speak to Sarah" he stated making everyone give him funny looks, "we just want to ask you something".
Sarah thought for a moment before putting a pile of blankets down and walking out with them.
A tense silence followed them the entire way back to Bruce's lab and was closed in with them when the door shut.

"Is everything ok?" She asked quietly.
"Yes" said Bruce, trying to keep it light, "we just wanted to ask you-"
"Did someone send you here?!" Tony interrupted.
She looked very confused, "Um well Lila asked if I wanted to come and my mum said yes but she didn't send me here... I-I can go home if you want".
"No not here. Did someone send you to wiggle your way into our kids lives for some reason?!"
"I don't understand", she said, now slightly scared.
"Tony come on just calm down a bit" tried Bruce but it didn't work as Tony stomped over to the machine.

"People were after your dad and his sister! Did they catch you and send you here?!"
Sarah's expression suddenly went hard, "how do you know people were after him?! Was it you?!"
"No no it wasn't us!" Interrupted Bruce trying once again to calm things down.
"How do you know who my dad is?!" She shouted and turned towards the door.
Bruce knew they wouldn't be able to find her again so he acted fast, "don't go! We know his sister! She's been looking for him!"

This made her pause, "what do you mean?"
"Look we didn't realise until now but we wanted to ask you if you put this DNA in here to see if Wanda was really your aunt".
She looked confused, "who's Wanda?"
Tony relaxed slightly at that comment but asked another question, "your good with computers. Is it you who's been messing with my system?"

"What no, I'm good with computers but not this good. I can't figure out how they're getting in and out without a single trace. Who's Wanda?"
Tony sighed and realised she had no idea about this so it was either you or Peter who figured it out. He waved her over to the machine showing her the match and then got a tablet bringing up pictures.

"This is Wanda, Pietros sister".
Sarah stared at it, "I always wondered what she looked like. Apparently he didn't have any photos because they were on the run".
Bruce and Tony looked at each other, "what do you mean apparently?" Asked Tony.
"Oh right.. you wouldn't know.. Um, well, he died..."

They stayed silent for a few moments, "oh" said Bruce sadly, "I think we just assumed the death certificate was a fake so he could escape".
"No. Some people came and started shooting. He put his body in front of me and my mum and he got shot. I was only three I think...could I meet her?"

Tony thought for a second, "she's out on a mission right now, I've called her to come back because of y/n but I don't think she knows about you. And I think we should wait to tell her until we can do it in person. It's going to be a lot of information to process" he said gently and Sarah understood.
"Also.. maybe we shouldn't tell the others yet. I don't want them accidentally saying something to Wanda before we explain it".

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