#12 - Reunion

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He dials in the number and waits as the intercom beeps. Maybe Tom did this for me to find you. Jason tilts his head as he turns back, glancing at his sister with a relieved smile across his flushed face. The intercom crackles to life, 'Hello?'

'Dr. Banks?' He speaks into the device, rubbing his eyes. 'It's me, Jason. There's a screen in front of me asking for my sister's relocation. What should I do?'

'Wait a moment.' He hears tapping over the device. 'Yes, please accept the notification,' Anthony speaks over the line. 'She needs to be monitored there.' Jason nods, 'Okay.' He glances at the device, 'Now how do I hang up?' He says to himself, examining the intercom. 'Where's Liz?' Tom speaks over the line, making him straighten. Now what happened? 'She's gone upstairs to her room-' He hears a faint thud over the line. 'Where are you going?' Anthony's voice disrupts into static.

The intercom beeps, notifying the user that the call has been disconnected. 'Should I go?' His gaze falls on the screen displayed on the wall, 'I was supposed to do this.' He glances at his sister while rubbing his forehead, 'Sorry.' He sprints to the far wall and taps the 'Yes' button on the screen. 'You know, she saved me a few times.' Vague memories of the physician's daughter treating him flash in his mind as he turns around.

'Please step on the yellow square,' The voice announces. An illuminated yellow tile appears near the bedstead. 'And her dad is Dr. Banks,' Jason says as he steps on the yellow tile. 'Can you believe that?' His gaze shifts to a polycarbonate wall emerging from a black lining on the tiled floor, near the far end of the bedstead. Woah. He gapes as he watches the wall maneuver a few feet above his head and seal at a silver lining marked behind the yellow tile, 'I was wondering how we would get out of here.' He notices a few safety belts emerge from the either side of the mattress and fasten the patient.

'Please hold on to the device.' Jason hits the glass wall behind when a hand grip falls right before his face. He holds the grip while rubbing the back of his head. The glass here is durable. He muses as he inspects the spot he hit his head at. 'Initiating Relocation,' The voice chimes. Jason gasps as he sees the wall behind the headboard slide open, 'Cool.' He watches the compartment glide into a dimly lit corridor.

'You are missing a lot of things,' He eyes the compartment as it ascends through a wide, illuminated shaft. He glances at his older sister, 'So wake up.' He tightens his grip on the hand-grip as the glass elevator ceases to a halt. 'I think we're here,' Jason says as a door slides open on his left. His gaze shifts to the accompanying chest of drawers as the glass compartment enters the hybrid room.

We found a few of her belongings when we brought her in, so we've stored them in the drawer beside her bed. The physician's voice answers his unsolicited question. He opens the top drawer and spots her folded clothes. 'I thought they would throw it away.' He touches the four-striped shoulder epaulets with the tip of his fingers. 'Don't you miss flying?' Jason says, showing the blazer to the comatose captain. He eyes her left arm, 'You don't have to worry. I'll help with the rehabilitation and picking out the most efficient prosthetic arm. Then you'll be back to flying in no time.'

He places the blazer back and opens the remaining drawers. 'They saved your precious Rolex too,' Jason says, waving the watch over Carrie. 'You should learn something from it.' He examines the watch. 'It fell from the same height, and see, it still works perfectly.' He sighs when he reads the time. It's 3.30 already? He notices the absence of the glass wall around him when he steps back. 'So please wake up.' He takes out her phone from the bottom drawer, 'Even your phone's working.' Jason watches the phone as it starts up.

His lifts his head and views the glass window on the far wall, 'Oh, I've seen him before.' He tries to remember the name of the man who stands, facing a bedstead, in the adjacent room. 'He's Nathan.' He recollects the vague memory of Alexa's monologue. He looks at the woman beside him who gazes at a resting tween. 'He might be their son,' He watches the parents lean in when the boy begins to show signs of arousal.

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