#9 - The Good Samaritans

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WARNING: Attempted Homicide Disguised as Suicide

January 1st, 2017: Filderbrick Hall, Emerald House

'Thank you all for gathering here tonight.' Veronica speaks to the huge audience seated before her. She stands behind the podium, donned in a plaid, navy blue pantsuit. 'Now I was reminded to keep my speech short as everyone here is kindled by the amazing delicacies served on their tables and that I myself, can't refrain from drooling all over the menu. ' Everyone laughs.

'So once again, thank you all for making today possible. I hope that we continue with this advancing momentum and implement the right solutions to the dire problems our country's currently facing. Saying that, we have mountains to climb,' Veronica pauses. 'But before that, let's cool ourselves down with some entertainment.'

Everyone applauds as the President of Henwrich steps away from the podium. Laura, seated at the front table smiles as she sees the President talk with the host. We've ended the first month with a bang. She recollects the radical achievements the administration has made so far. She will definitely bring the change we need in this country. 

Laura checks her vibrating phone when she raises her glass of wine. Who's calling now? She reads the caller ID. 'Excuse me,' she says, getting up from her seat. She treads to an empty corner of the hall and and watches the President take her seat at the front table. 'Hello,' Laura answers. 'What is it, Sanders?'

'Don't hang up.' A voice speaks into the phone. Laura pulls away her phone and reads the caller ID again. It's Sanders' number. She brings her phone back to her ear, 'Who's this?'

'Carolina and Jason have gone missing.' The voice replies. 'They are in the Davo Tower right now-'

'Who's this?' Laura demands, taking out another phone. She dials in a set of numbers. 'The President's in danger so you need to evacuate her-'

Laura hangs up. What nonsense was that? She brings her other phone to her ear as she watches Veronica laugh to the entertainer's satirical joke. 'Hello-'

'Laura,' Chief Chambers says. 'We need to bring the President in now. We have an emergency situation.'

'Explain what's happening.' Laura turns around when Veronica's gaze falls on her. 'The Squad's not able to track Carrie or Jason.'

'Wait,' Laura says, as her first phone rings again. 'I'll call you back in a minute.'She places Chambers' call on hold and picks up the other call, 'What?'

'I'm right, aren't I?' The crisp voice answers. He speaks again after a pause, 'If the Squad wants to save Carrie and Jason, dispatch the Epsilon Team to the Davo Tower immediately. Meanwhile secure the President.'

'But the Epsilon Team disbanded years ago-'

'We both know that the team is still active.' The voice replies. 'So quit squabbling and just do what I say.'

'Can I know whom I'm speaking to?' Laura says. 'The President must stay in the secure spot until I call back through this number.' The call disconnects. 'Hello?' Laura says. She places her second phone on her ear. 'Chief Chambers-'

'It's me, Chief Moorhaven.' Sanders answers. 'Listen to the caller's instructions. He's a special informant.'

'So what he said was true?' Laura says, motioning one of the guards to come. 'Jason didn't attend the Sports Meet and Carrie never boarded her flight.' Sanders replies. They're all under danger... 'Yes, Chief.' The guard says. 'We need to evacuate the President now,' Laura says. The guard nods and leaves. 'Sanders, hand the phone to Sophia.'

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