||4. [Name], Luffy and Shanks||

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This is the starting point for the whole story.So I decide to visit the relationship between [Name], Luffy and Shanks.


"...." you stood in the middle of the kitchen with a completely expressionless face "Luffy.. what's this?" you pointed at the vast array of small fishes lying on the table.

"This" - he stood next to this scaly horror "My today's catch! Isn't it great?!" - A wide smile flashed on his face, and he himself stood in a winning stance.

You sank weakly into the nearest chair and rubbed the bridge of your nose with your fingers. "But why is she so small and there are so many of her?"

"It's just that this time I forgot to take my luck rod with me...and..and here it is.... All the time I came across only this one." He scratched the back of his head a little dejectedly.

"Okay, what really .." - regaining your fighting spirit again, you jumped to your feet and swept the fish into the bucket with your hand. You were not going to do this painstaking work now.and decided to leave this catch for a snack. In the evening you wanted to try a new method of curing fish for drinking with beer. That's why you hid it in the nearest kitchen cabinet and quickly removed everything that could disturb with its nasty smell. The towels with which you wiped the table are no longer suitable and unfortunately their place is only in the trash can.So the hands would also have to be thrown out because of the ingrained smell, but you knew you would not find the same dexterous and beautiful ones anywhere else. The hands remain in place.

With a cursory glance at the relatively clean room, you took a clean bucket and two fishing rods, then approached the surprised boy.

"Let's go, I'll help you catch big one and I'll cook something out of it already" With these words, you pushed him out of the house and you slowly wandered towards the fishing spot.

"Ugh... no! Not your food!!" he glared at you with a plaintive look and covered his mouth with his hands.






"And now?"



"Well, now? .."





"And now?"

"Oh my God, no!" you already wanted to knock out this restless child in order to continue your work in silence. But, alas, your wishes are not destined to come true.

"Look, pirates!!" the brunette let out a deafening screech and began to wind circles around you, all the while pointing his fingers in an unknown direction.

"No-what?" You looked up at the boy, and then at what you were so eager to show you. Looking closely, you noticed a black flag with a skull and crossbones, characteristic of pirates,it fluttered majestically in the wind, towering on the ship's mast. There were three scars on one of the eyes of the skulls.

"PIRATES! REAL!!" - the boy made one full jump almost to the very sky and rushed to the port.

"..." - you just narrowed your eyes suspiciously looking at the approaching ship, but did not dare to leave the small one unattended. So, with a tired sigh, you followed the child.

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