||1.Far from home and time||

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The chirping of birds sitting in their nests on thick tree branches, the noise of a stream with clear-clear water in which the forest is reflected, small animals just emerging from their burrows — this is the usual state of the forest on a warm morning.
The forest was calm as usual, everything here was unchanged. Almost....

On the ground, near the large thick roots of the tree, lay a woman with short disheveled (color)-hair. After passing through the thick leaves, the sun shone warm rays on her face, making her wince...

Pain ...
this is the only thing that the stranger felt when she woke up from a dream.

When she tried to get up, she realized that it would not be possible to do it as simply as she would like. The pain in the whole body made itself felt again.
   "Damn it... how painful..." Raising her hand to her face, the short-haired woman opened her eyes only to see the dense cover of trees. "Where am I?.." She tried to get up on her elbows again, which surprisingly she did, though not immediately.Thin branches crunched under her hands, digging into the woman's skin, dry leaves rustled.
After rubbing her head and clothes with her hand and cleaning them of debris, she looked around and realized that she was in a dark forest.

The landscape was different from the place she had seen before going to sleep.

*(name of the island)*Spoiler* and...guys!!*- the woman thought with her eyes wide open. She jumped up from her seat, but a sharp pain in her legs caused her to fall to the ground. Carefully standing up, holding onto the nearest tree, she went in a random direction.

Suddenly, there was a loud sound behind her.
Quickly looking around (color)hair woman realized that she was very lucky. A huge thick tree branch fell into the place where she had recently been lying, and with it an old nest.

"What luck..." She turned with a sigh and continued on her way.


*I said so early...*

For about an hour, the woman could not find a way out of the forest. No matter where she turned, there was no end in sight.

Having already endured enough, she slammed her fist hard against the nearest tree. With a loud crack, it fell into a nearby tree.

" It's strange, because I hit with all my might... The tree would have fallen by the roots.." she put her index finger on her chin - probably because of the seal, I lost my knack.

Looking out from behind the fallen trees, she saw an open space.
"Oh. That's lucky."

Coming out of the forest, the first thing she saw was the boundless sea and a clean beach.

*I need to look around to understand where I am.* she looked around. Hearing sounds from one side of the beach, she decided to go there and check.

*This is clearly not  ----...  Then where am I? And where are the guys? What about the seal? Have we finished sealing? Maybe it was unsuccessful...*-thoughts ran through in head (color)-hair, while she slowly walked towards the voices.
Very close, the rustle of the waves could be heard breaking on the rocks, they seemed to be singing. The wind howled softly, almost inaudibly, and the leaves of the trees rustled.Sand rustled under her feet, her feet sank a little, leaving shallow footprints.

As they advanced,  the voices became clearer, and the roofs of houses began to be seen from behind the trees.
Having reached the village, (color)-the eye realized that this place is quite different from the village from her homeland.

There were no boys running around the streets with wooden kunai and shouting out various invented techniques, there were no girls chatting about how successful doctors they would become, there were no regular Shinobi rushing to a mission or, conversely, returning from them. The atmosphere of the street was calm and peaceful, people were slowly going about their business, talking to each other every now and then like old acquaintances.
It was strange and unusual for the girl.

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