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“You can do this, Pen.” A voice in my head said as soon as the cab stopped in front of the tall building. The words MILLER ENTERPRISES were written at the top of the building in huge letters. I repeated the name under my breath, paid the cab driver and stepped my foot out of it. The wind ruffled my copper red locks and I tightened my flimsy denim jacket around me. Having lived my whole life in Florida, I didn’t expect the weather to be this cold here in Chicago but then again, there was a reason why I majored in English Lit and not Metereology or Geography.

“Focus.” I reminded myself because I still didn’t know what I was going to say or do once I reached inside. 

Taking a deep breath, I walked through the glass door of the picturesque building. The receptionist gave me a quick glance from head to toe and then asked, “How may I help you, Ma’am?”

“I want to meet Sean Miller.” I said nervously, feeling out of place.

“Do you have an appointment?” She asked.

“No.” I gulped. “But it is urgent. Just tell me where he is and I will take it from there.”

The annoyed look on her face could be seen from a mile. “You can talk to Mr. Miller’s secretary. Third floor, the elevator is on your left.” She said.

“Thank you Miss.” I caught a quick look at her name tag. “Miss. Shields.” She nodded and resumed typing on the computer.

I followed her directions and reached the secretary’s office. Mr. Miller’s office was right in front of hers but I reckoned he wouldn’t appreciate me going directly inside, nor would the big, bulky security guard standing outside it. So I knocked on the secretary’s office and went in. Behind the desk was sitting a middle aged lady of around forty; her hair curled up in a chignon and her petite body confined in a fitted business suit.

“Yes?” She cocked her head to a side. 

“I want to meet Mr. Miller.” I said,.

“I don’t remember him having any appointment today.” she said.

“I don’t. But I need to meet him urgently. Just convey my message to him that—.” I was interrupted.

“Let me guess. You saw him in a club and couldn’t resist looking him up online. I deal with a whole lot of you on a daily basis.” She said judgingly and my temper rose.

“Listen Ma’am. I am not some crazy, desperate chick who is dying for a peek of him. I need to speak to him about a private matter, So, you either let me go or—”

“You can wait here all day long but I am not letting you meet him until you can prove to me that you know him and he knows you. I don’t like risking my job for a random girl.” She sneered, a smirk cornering her lips.

“Fine, you have left me no choice.” I said and bolted through the door, launching at the mahogany glass door opposite to hers. But my attempt was stopped by the same security guard. “Leave me. I need to talk to him for just a minute.” I yelled as I tried to free myself from the man’s hold but all in vain. He was easily three hundred pounds, out of which two hundreds were just muscles. Few people walking past us were looking at me as if I were some sort of criminal or a thief.

“This woman is crazy, Thomas. Escort her out of the building before Mr. Miller knows.” The old hag said. 

The man’s hands tightened around my arm as he dragged me through the hallway, wounding my arm in process. “You assholes.” I screamed at the top of my lungs as I was being dragged. Not one person around us interfered or tried to save me from the shrek. People really have a heart of ice here in Chicago; something like this would be intolerable in my city.

The noise must have disturbed His Highness because I could hear silence prevailing in the hallway behind me. Amidst my struggle of freeing myself, I caught a glimpse of someone tall and tanned, gleering at me from a distance while the secretary apprised him about me. 

“Mr. Miller, my name is Penelope.” I screamed.

His dark eyes met mine and the indifference in them made me ponder over my whole decision of coming here for a moment. The past few days flashed in front of my eyes as I was thrown over the shoulder by the monster dragging me. So much has changed in my life over the course of one month and this man, this cold-looking man was my only hope for some answers. Before finally giving up and letting the security guard escort me outside the building, I shouted for one last time, “I am Elijah Wood’s daughter.”

It looked like the man had been struck by lightning all of sudden. His cold, calm exterior suddenly peeled away and beneath it was someone totally flabbergasted for some reason.

“Thomas!” His voice boomed. Stone-cold and authoritative, just like his whole personality. Thomas- big, strong, muscular Thomas- instantly deflated at his one call. 

“Bring Miss Woods here.” He said in his silky yet dangerous tone and I felt myself being lowered to the ground. “With respect.” He added. 


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