chapter 11: Two Things Certain

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(The scene opens with (Y/N) laying down in Millie and his bed as the sheets were covering their bodies, Millie was resting her head on (Y/N)'s chest, Millie was asleep while (Y/N) was just staring at the ceiling as his hand grazed his chest over his scars he let out a sigh and closes his eyes going to sleep. The clock said twelve forty five as the scene shifts to the clock, saying seven thirty, and it starts to go off as a human hand hits it, shutting it off. A human (Y/N) stays like that for a moment with his hand resting on the alarm clock as he hears his door open and foot steps, then (Y/N) felted a pain in his leg as he gets up and falls out of bed hitting the floor hard just to hear a dark chuckle he opens his eyes to see his dad standing over his with a taser.)

Dad: Time to wake up asshole.

(With a chuckle he kicks (Y/N) in the stomach and he leaves the room with (Y/N) on the floor, after a moment (Y/N) gets up and lets out a groan. He makes his way to the bathroom, strips down, takes off his necklace with a cross, and gets in the shower. For a moment (Y/N) just stands there letting the warm water run down his face and his scared body listening to the water fall. He was taken out of his thoughts when he started hearing yelling coming from the living room, followed by the sound of shattering glass. (Y/N), then gets out of the shower and dries off and gets dresses in a pair of jeans, a black shirt, a pair of dark blue shoes, and his favorite jacket. After he was fully dressed, he heard the front door slam shut, (Y/N) put on his cross necklace and made his way to the front of his house. He made his way to the living room as he sees it's just a mess with pizza boxes, food wrappers, and empty booze bottles he then sees his mom on the other side of the living room cleaning up a broken glass bottle while quietly crying (Y/N) approaches her and gently puts his hand on her shoulder which she flinches from.)

(Y/N): Hey, hey, it's just me.

(Y/N)'s mom appears relieved knowing it was just her son.)

Mom: Oh, hey sweetie, did you sleep well?

(Y/N): Well, I did until Dad woke me up.

(Y/N)'s mom looked saddened by this statement, so (Y/N) tried to lighten the mood a bit.)

(Y/N): Hey, at least he didn't use a bat this time. (chuckles)

(This, however, didn't help at all. In fact, it made his mother even more upset as tears ran down her face. (Y/N) quickly wrapped his mom in a hug, and rubs her back.)

(Y/N): Hey, it's ok, I'm fine. Everything is going to be fine.

(Y/N) pulls away from the hug and looks his mother in the eyes.)

(Y/N): When I'm done with school, I'm gonna take us both away from this place, ok.

(Y/N)'s mother gave her son a sad smiles.)

(Y/N): Hey, I should probably get going to school before I'm late.

(His mom nods her head, and gives (Y/N) another hug before he made his way to the door.)

Mom: Have a good day. I love you.

(Y/N): Love you too, Mom

(Y/N) makes his way out side, he looks to the side a sees his neighbor Miss. Johnson who was a sweet old lady which at the moment she was struggling to take out a bag of garbage. Seeing this (Y/N) rushes over to lend a hand.)

(Y/N): Hey, Miss. Johnson, let me get that for you.

Miss. Johnson: Oh, thank you (Y/N) your such a helpful young man.

(She smiled her wholesome old person smile as she pinched (Y/N) cheek. (Y/N) help take out the trash and was about to make his way to school but was stopped by Miss. Johnson.)

Helluva Boss Male Insert / Male Reader X MillieWhere stories live. Discover now