chapter 14: First Day on the Job

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(The scene opens with (Y/N) sleeping on a couch in an old apartment as the alarm clock goes off, (Y/N) grabs it and throws it at the walk shattering it into a million pieces. Reluctantly (Y/N) gets up as he sits up, he stretches, causing his back to pop and crack (Y/N)'s attention, then turns to the the papers on his coffee table that has multiple documents that read "Rent Over Dew" (Y/N) let's out a sigh as he gets up and gets ready for the day. He takes a shower, gets dressed, and eats breakfast, which was a tasteless bowl of cereal. When he was done with his cereal. he put the bowl in the sink and washed it. (Y/N) put on his jacket and made his way to the door, leaving his apartment locking the door behind him. (Y/N) tried to make his way down the hallway quietly when one of the doors swings open and an octopus looking demon comes out looking angry.)

Landlord: Where the fuck is my money (Y/N)?

(Y/N): About the money, I'm gonna need a little more time.

(The landlord crossed his many arms as he looked at (Y/N) with a pissed off look on his face.)

(Y/N): Look, I'm going to go look for a job today. And I'll get you your money. Ok?

(The landlord muddled under his breath as he went back into his apartment and slammed the door behind him. (Y/N) made his way out of the apartment building. As (Y/N) made his way down the street, he saw a demon loading newspapers on the back of his bike as the demon went back into the convenience store to grab a few things (Y/N) took the opportunity to take one of the newspapers, he unfolded the newspaper while walking down the road and turned to the section with job postings.)

(Y/N): Let's see... Bingo, bartender easy enough.

(Y/N) made his way to the bar that was hiring. Cut to (Y/N) at the bar in the uniform that the manager of the bar gave him, (Y/N) was mixing a drink he then tosses the mixer in the air as he grabs a glass and scopes some ice into it (Y/N) then caught the mixer and poured it into the glass. (Y/N) handed the drink to the customer. As the other customer cheered, one customer threw his hands up aggravated.)

Drunk: Hey, what does a guy have to do to get a beer around here?

(Y/N) grads a beer and uses a bottle opener to pop the top off the bottle (Y/N) than threw it at the drunk demon with it landing in his hands his attitude changes as he drank the beer like a baby with it's bottle everything was going well when a customer threw up on the bar table as they fell to the floor. (Y/N) sighs as he cleans up the mess. When he is done, he goes to make another drink for a customer when another person throws up on his bar.)

(Y/N): Now I remember why I quit working at Ozzie's.

(Cut to outside the bar where (Y/N) is in his regular clothes looking at the newspaper again, seeing there is an opening for a barista at a coffee shop down the road, (Y/N) makes his way down the road passing by an alleyway, he stops when he hears a commotion, looking down the alleyway he sees a dragon demon robing a small fish demon.)

Dragon: Give me everything you got little fishy.

(The fish demon searches through his pockets, looking for any money he had while being threatened at knife point, but besides a few dollars, he didn't have much which the dragon demon didn't like.)

Dragon: Well, guess you'll just have to pay in blood. Any last words my little fishy friend?

Fish: Wait, please, I'll get you more. I just need-

(Before he could finished a board was broken against the dragon demon's head, knocking him to the floor unconscious. The fish demon looked up at who was responsible for this to see (Y/N) standing there.)

(Y/N): You ok?

Fish: Yes, I'm fine. Thank you, sir.

(Y/N): Hey, it's no big deal, just doing what I do

Helluva Boss Male Insert / Male Reader X MillieМесто, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя