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Connecting the dots. Ren hated connecting the dots, connecting clues and information to understand a person. He did it anyways.

He could not sleep the night of the campfire. Dreams, nightmares. Not one wink of sleep.

When someone dreams, they see their desires, their fears mixed into a single ichor, presenting a story that they both fear and love.

That night he dreamt of F4. Every now and then, he would wake up from a deep sleep and find everything in its place. Thyme in the room next to him, Ameena sleeping in the room opposite.

For the love of god, Ameena! He had not forgotten for minute the furor of agony she displayed.

While it might not be polite to dwell on someone else's trauma, he wanted to know, to help. His intentions of getting closer to her have been met with failure owing partly to her discomfort.

He did not understand these feelings.

His grandfather's soft voice filled Ren's mind at this time, what he would say.

"You'll want to know everything she does in the day. All that she does. Every word of it. Why does she smile suddenly, why does she look sad? You will want to know what she is thinking."

If there is one thing he noticed about Ameena; it's the steadfast devotion to ambition in its deepest, purest essence: work, study, and financial success.

She cannot refuse Ren's invitation to volunteer at the rural medical camp. It's her thing to organize events. And for someone with a kind heart, this is a fulfilling opportunity

Developing this friendship or something that can be more, Ren understood is something that must be approached carefully and with care.

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