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IT had been two days since vea's mother had kicked her out.

within two hours of that, she and stokeley had made arrangements for her and amalia to move to florida. she had wanted to but she didn't want to leave her mother, now she couldn't care less.

vea stood in the mirror in the bathroom, fixing her hair. she pulled it back in a bun, slicking her edges.

"what time does your flight leave?" tyla asked from the other room.
vea was so grateful to her best friends for being there as soon as she needed them. there were no questions asked, and she loved them for it. they were sad to see her leaving, but they'd be in florida soon for their birthday so it wouldn't matter.

"2:30." she answered, as she was done in the bathroom, she shut off the light and walked into the room where kyla and tyla were.

"jahseh know you're coming?" kyla asked.

"yeah, he's been texting me all day." vea smiled.

"that may as well be your man girl. y'all go together," tyla said.
"real bad!" kyla added.

vea threw a pillow at them. "y'all annoying."

"let's get this show on the road, you still gotta go talk to your mom." tyla said.

vea was leaving most of her stuff with tyla and kyla. a lot of it was left at her mother's place and most of the stuff she had with her was being donated. stokeley told her to leave most things and he'd buy her whatever she wanted. she protested against it, of course he ignored her.

the drive to her mom's house was silent, vea thinking on what she wanted to say and the twins not trying to interrupt her. they pulled into the driveway and vea walked up the porch steps, opening the door.

"hey vea." her mom said. vea gave her a half smile and they walked into the kitchen. she sat down on one side of the island and her mom stood on the other.

"i only want what's best for you, vea." she said quietly.

vea nodded. "kicking me out over a tattoo is what's best for me? mother of the year."

her mom flinched. "don't disrespect me, i'm still your mother."

"look, i don't want to argue with you anymore. you obviously don't see the error in your ways. but i'll apologize for mine. i'm sorry for raising my voice at you. i apologize sincerely cos you're my mother and i should have never disrespected you like that," she held back tears. "i'm going to florida today. and the way things are looking i'm not coming back."

her mother's eyes widened. "you're really going down there? vea that's not what i want for you! do you really want to be around all of that stuff-" vea interrupted her.
"where else am i gonna go? it's too late for you to be reasoning cos i'm not moving back in here!" the woman just stared, vea nodded. her decision was even clearer. "i have a flight to catch."

vea stood up, pushing her chair in. she walked out of the kitchen to the front door. "bye mom." and she walked out.

"WE'RE gonna miss you so much!" kyla said as they all stood in a group hug.

"i'm gonna miss y'all too," vea said. "but this isn't goodbye y'all. just see you later until y'all come to florida to visit."

tyla wiped her eyes. "don't get another best friend, you hear me! no matter what bitches they have you around, it's us forever."

"forever and after." vea said, locking her pinkies with both of them.

"go before you miss your flight." kyla said, tears in her eyes.

"i love y'all." vea walked into the airport, she went through security easily. it was a bit different because she had her cat but she had gotten some sleeping pills from the vet so she'd sleep the whole flight, which wasn't really long.

she boarded the plane after about an hour of waiting and she was very tired. she went to sleep almost immediately after takeoff.
vea awoke to the flight attendant shaking her shoulder. she stood up and grabbed her things, standing with everyone waiting to walk off of the plane. she walked down the ramp and walked into the airport to baggage claim. she grabbed both of her suitcases, situating them so she could put the cat carrier on top.

she was expecting to have to text stokeley when she landed but as soon as she walked out, she was met with her brother's smiling face. he had his phone up, recording. she smiled, walking to him happily.

"welcome home." he smiled.

JAHSEH knocked on the closed door, a bouquet of roses in his hands and a smile on his face. vea had been in florida for a couple of days and he wasn't able to come over and see her due to his busy schedule. but he had finished with everything he had to do, and he made seeing vea his first priority.

"coming." he heard from the other side of the door seconds before it opened revealing the short girl. "jahseh!" she squealed, jumping happily into his arms.

he hugged her tightly with his right arm, clutching the flowers in his left hand. "hi pretty." he smiled, glad she was happy to see him.

edited 900 words.

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